A fresh start, that’s what new Ocean Pines General Manager John Bailey promises to deliver to the community, even if he has not and probably would not say such a thing. It’s good form, generally speaking, for anyone about to asåsume responsibility in new managerial circumstance to respond to well wishers and congratulatory comments with… Read more »
Wishing Bailey the best
The only thing that needs to be said with regard to new Ocean Pines Association General Manager John Bailey is, “good luck.” And that’s a sincere wish, with not one iota of sarcasm attached. Everyone, regardless of his or her specific interests, wants Bailey to do well and act as a calming influence on the… Read more »
Help for hurricane victims
As is the custom in these parts when tragedy strikes elsewhere, northern Worcester County residents are preparing to do what they can to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey. Following this tradition is one of the few times when it is perfectly acceptable to say, “That’s how we’ve always done it.” One reason for our… Read more »
Yacht club conundrum
The Ocean Pines Association financial report for the last month isn’t good, as the numbers posted for the Beach Club and Yacht Club show a steep and continued decline from last year. While the multitude of changes to the facilities and staff this year made for a financial mess, the reality is every new board… Read more »
Let’s change the subject
The inclination to veer away from angry circumstances and volatile topics is strong this week and therefore lands us in Berlin, where, if all is far from perfect, its officials and residents at least continue to strive for a rare level of community harmony and attractiveness. And what could be more harmonious than an excellent… Read more »
Waiting on transparency
The core issue in Ocean Pines isn’t really one of nondisclosures, questionable decisions or projects that have gone awry, but one of trust. Early on, many on the board made a pact to close ranks, deter comments to the media and show blind loyalty to one another. However, as happens when information, both good and… Read more »
Miller became a symbol
The board of directors’ skirmish this week over an attempt to remove Gary Miller from his assignments on the clubs and aquatics committees is the product of the turmoil that has enveloped the board in recent months. Ordinarily, no one would blame any elected body for removing one of its appointees after he or she… Read more »
Voters’ buyer’s remorse
Not to be redundant, as we seem to write a similar editorial each year going into Ocean Pines elections, but it is always with the hope the incoming board members will remember their campaign promises once they take their seats at the table. Elections of late, unfortunately, have brought a winner-take-all philosophy. Sides are drawn… Read more »
Hill can take it or resign
Were it not for its potential to inflict harm on the community, one might excuse the laughable nature of the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors’ possible vote on whether to expel one of its members. The directors, after all, aren’t debating nuclear disarmament or the ability of North Korea to strike American soil, but… Read more »
OPA fatigue contagious
Ocean Pines is exhausting. It’s exhausting, as a news outlet, to cover, and this week the majority of the Board of Directors indicated it’s exhausting to govern. Imagine how the homeowners and residents must feel. At a Sunday public meeting during what was otherwise a picturesque and sunny beach day, interim General Manager Brett Hill,… Read more »