This week marks a major step forward for the Bayside Gazette and Ocean City Today, as the local company that publishes both weekly newspapers begins countywide coverage for readers and advertisers. The Bayside Gazette, which has become the definitive news publication in Ocean Pines and Berlin, is expanding to include the Snow Hill and Pocomoke… Read more »
Pines should rethink plan
The comprehensive plan project in Ocean Pines continues to be comprehensively confused, as neither the planning committee nor the board of directors seems to know where this effort is heading. This isn’t anyone’s fault, but is the result of trying to adapt a process required of government entities for use in a community built according… Read more »
Where politicians fail, these T-Wrecks shine
Rather than express an all-too-obvious opinion about the inexplicable behavior at this week’s Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors meeting — a circumstance that might be corrected in this year’s election by establishing a better male-female balance on that governing body — we are obligated to look elsewhere for an example of productive teamwork. Nothing… Read more »
Pines budget request did no harm, some good
The unofficial report this week is that the Worcester County Commissioners canceled this year’s cordial wine-and-dine get-together with the Ocean Pines Board of Directors because they weren’t feeling so cordial after hearing the community’s surprising request for much more county financial support that what it normally receives every year. The official report, meanwhile, is the… Read more »
Drilling ban good for all
It’s rare in these tumultuous times that news comes out of Washington that doesn’t generate a divided response from the public, but that was the case with the announcement Tuesday by the Department of the Interior that offshore exploration for oil will not be taking place in the southeastern section of the Atlantic Ocean. When… Read more »
Is county shorting OPA?
Ocean Pines Association General Manager Bob Thompson made a good point in the association’s request last week for a major increase in the amount of money Worcester County government gives it in the county’s annual allocation to communities. Of the five major residential areas — Pocomoke, Snow Hill, Berlin, Ocean City, and Ocean Pines, the… Read more »
For voters, how it happens not as important as results
The problem with government is that most people don’t care who’s in charge, as long as they get what they want, while elected officials concern themselves first with who’s in charge and then worry about the results. Were that not the case, the nation wouldn’t be witnessing the huge mess that is Congress, which devotes… Read more »
M. Day, Pocomoke River key to Snow Hill growth
Where Michael Day goes, the resurgence flows. Or so it would surely appear, given the turn his latest project is taking. Day, who supposedly retired last year as the director of economic development for Berlin, took on the revitalization of the Town of Snow Hill as – one might assume — something to keep him… Read more »
Electric hike not shocking
The flap over Berlin’s electric rate miscue turned out to be somewhat less exciting than the major municipal malfunction it originally appeared to be. This was a case of a misunderstanding between town officials and Booth & Associates, the company with which it contracts to advise it on the operation 0f its electric utility. That… Read more »
Traffic could jam future
Palmer Gillis, of Gillis Gilkerson, the builder and developer of the Delmarva Health Pavilion in Ocean Pines, has a point. Although he refrained from saying it bluntly when he met with residents last Friday to discuss his project’s traffic flow problems, that facility is there to stay, like it or not. That won’t be the… Read more »