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George’s Mixes starts in Berlin and goes regional

BERLIN — In 1996, while working at the Middleton Tavern in Annapolis, Greg David decided he wanted to make a distinctive Bloody Mary and began developing a formula that would set his apart. Although it was almost an immediate success, the concoction David was serving was only very good. He wanted it to be excellent…. Read more »

Johnny Cash tribute to play West Ocean City

WEST OCEAN CITY —  Tom Cavanagh and his band threw in the occasional Johnny Cash song as part of their own original shows for years and their renditions were popular with the crowds because they were spot-on. Eventually they began to discuss doing a tribute show and tour. For his part, Cavanagh already had more… Read more »

2nd Friday Art Stroll features wine and music

BERLIN — Over the next two months Berlin will begin its transformation into the unofficial wine capitol of the Eastern Shore. It is fitting then that on the occasion of the 2nd Friday Art Stroll, the first of several shops offering upscale wines will have its major coming out party. Robin Tomaselli and her sister… Read more »

Berlin Jazz and Blues Bash continues improving

BERLIN — Although this year marks the 5th time the Chamber of Commerce and WESM 91.3 FM will sponsor the Berlin Jazz and Blues Bash this will be the second year the Town has truly embraced the spirit of the festival. Until last year, the festival was more geared to early afternoon attendees, often ending… Read more »

The Berlin Lions look into the eyes of the future

BERLIN — Last week members of the Berlin Lions Club spent the afternoon as they do with some regularity — giving free eye exams to young children. The exams are not the type typically associated with a rip to the optometrist. In fact, they aren’t in any way meant to replace a regular doctor’s office… Read more »

Berlin Farmers Market ready to grow

BERLIN — Bill and Ginger Taylor have inarguably the shortest commute to the Berlin Farmers Market, where they set up their seafood stand each Wednesday and Friday.  The Berlin couple live blocks away from the market and got into the seafood retail business as part of preparing for Bill’s imminent retirement. Bill, who has spent… Read more »

Worcester G.O.L.D. sets the standard for service

OCEAN CITY — As it turns out, Worcester G.O.L.D. is a model philanthropic group in more ways than one. At last week’s annual fashion show fundraised, the group was honored with a renewal of their status as a non-profit that meets the Standards of Excellence, a set of guidelines established by Maryland Non-Profits, an independent… Read more »

Experienced artists and newcomers at Arts Stroll

BERLIN — There were no shortage of openings at last week’s 2nd Friday Art  and among them were relative newcomers to the scene as well as places that have been participating regularly for years. j.j. Fish this week featured miniaturist Monica Graham. Miniaturist is kind of an odd description but Graham was pressed for a… Read more »

Brown Box Theatre Project brings the hate to O.C.

OCEAN CITY — The Brown Box Theatre Project has never been afraid to rely on local audience support for new and sometimes challenging topics and they continue to push the dramatic envelope with their newest production “A Feeble Mind” opening at the Captain’s Table restaurant next weekend.  On the surface, the play is about a… Read more »

Artist Rina Thaler makes a statement with ‘Israel’

BERLIN — There was so much to explain, and so many qualifications to the explanations that Rina Thaler moved into stream of consciousness mode discussing her newest show “Israel – Life in the Holy Land”, which opened at the Globe during 2nd Friday Arts Stroll and will remain open throughout the month. She’d recently returned… Read more »