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Worcester to kick off county fair season in SH next week

(June 15, 2017) With a date change from August to late June because of scalding temperatures, Worcester County now kicks off the annual county fair season in the area, and will host the event at Byrd Park on West Market Street in Snow Hill. Registration to compete in the fair’s various livestock, baking, art, gardening… Read more »

Return to Goat Island paddle in Snow Hill for second year

(June 15, 2017) The Snow Hill riverfront will be awash in stand-up paddleboards, kayaks and surf skis for the second annual “Return to Goat Island” Paddle Sports Festival and Race, this Saturday. The all-level SUP race, with $5,000 in cash prizes up for grabs, launches at 9 a.m. and includes a 17-mile elite race, as… Read more »

Later hours for several downtown Berlin shops

(June 15, 2017) A growing number of shops in downtown Berlin are staying open later, as the nature of business there continues to become younger and more family-oriented.   Starting today, Thursday, at least half a dozen downtown shops have pledged to stay open until 7 p.m. or later Monday through Saturday. Island Creamery opened… Read more »

Berlin Briefs

(June 15, 2017) The Berlin Mayor and Council discussed the following items during a public meeting at Town Hall on Monday. Berlin Intermediate Three students from Berlin Intermediate School, Gary Hardy, Emily Biscoe and Davion Brown, made a presentation on their activities at the offland wetlands on Flower Street, behind the multipurpose building. The children… Read more »

Fishing event for children in Pines returns, Saturday

(June 15, 2017) The Ocean Pines Anglers Club is offering children of all ages the opportunity to “test the waters” and learn fishing skills and techniques on Saturday, June 17 from 9-11 a.m. at the South Gate Pond in Ocean Pines near the Sports Core Pool. The event provides an opportunity for parents and grandparents… Read more »

Berlin Parks Briefs

(June 15, 2017) The Berlin Parks Commission discussed the following items during a meeting at Town Hall, last Tuesday. Berlin Falls Berlin Falls park Project Coordinator David Deutsch briefed the commission on his activities since he was hired in the role last January. He said several environmental and building reports were due back soon that… Read more »

Berlin’s Touch a Truck event, Saturday

(June 15, 2017) Berlin moved the Touch a Truck event from Saturday, May 13 to Saturday, June 17 because poor weather was forecast. The annual event runs from 10 a.m. until noon in Berlin’s Stephen Decatur Park on Tripoli Street. “The weather continues to be a challenge,” Mayor Gee Williams said. “We’ve received such positive… Read more »

Meet The Candidates

Editor’s note: The Ocean Pines Association Elections Committee said last Friday its members did not edit any statements sent by the individual candidates. The only requirement was that each segment be 200 words or less.  The Ocean Pines Association released the following on Monday. Meet the 2017 Ocean Pines Board of Directors Candidates: In order… Read more »

Decatur alumna returns to perform

(June 15, 2017) Katerina Burton of Newark, Maryland, a Stephen Decatur High School alumna and recent graduate of Towson University who has been accepted for a Master’s degree program at the Juilliard School of Musical Arts in New York, will perform two concerts this weekend. Successive concerts will be presented on Friday evening, June 16… Read more »

Local leaders ‘dig’ new library

(June 8, 2017) The few clouds that rolled over Berlin on Tuesday skipped by long enough for several dozen public officials and other stakeholders to stick their golden shovels into the future site of the new Berlin library on Harrison Avenue. Six of seven Worcester County Commissioners were present, along with Berlin Mayor Gee Williams,… Read more »