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Pocomoke melee suspect fined $300 for street brawl

(May 11, 2017) Pocomoke resident Robert Robinson, 38, who was facing multiple charges stemming from a street brawl last July in Pocomoke, pleaded guilty to disturbing the peace and was fined $300 in District Court in Snow Hill last Tuesday. Robinson was arrested on July 29 and charged with three felony counts of second-degree assault,… Read more »

Berlin introduces FY18 budget draft for first reading

(May 11, 2017) The Berlin Town Council introduced a first reading for a fiscal year 2018 budget on Monday night. Berlin Mayor Gee Williams said the total budget, including capital expenses, is $19.3 million, a 4.4 percent reduction from the current year. Williams said the proposed general fund budget is $7.954 million, an 11.4 percent… Read more »

Pines PD giving free bike helmets

(May 11, 2017) Head injuries and falls from bicycles are one of the leading causes of emergency room visits among children, especially during the summer months on Delmarva. The Ocean Pines Police Department is pumping the pedals on an initiative intended to increase safety awareness during National Bike Safety Month. Police will distribute new, high-quality… Read more »

Ocean Pines Search Cmte. holds first meeting of year

(May 11, 2017) The reconstituted Ocean Pines Search Committee met for the first time last week and discussed some last-minute ideas for recruiting candidates before the May 10 filing deadline. The board of directors confirmed five members to the committee – the required minimum – at its April 29 meeting. The committee recruits and certifies… Read more »

Berlin adopts public spaces naming and renaming policy

(May 11, 2017) The Berlin Town Council unanimously adopted a naming and renaming policy for town property on Monday. The policy was developed over several months by the Berlin Naming Parks and Public Spaces Committee, which was formed in January. Town Councilman and committee Chairman Zack Tyndall said the group worked well together, drafting a… Read more »

AGH Foundation to host 24th anniversary soirée, May 18

(May 11, 2017) To celebrate the hospital’s growth and the community support that has made it possible, the Atlantic General Hospital Foundation will present its 24th anniversary celebration on Thursday, May 18, from 6:30-10 p.m. Hosted at Raymond C. Nichols’ property, “Mirador,” in Berlin, the evening presents an allusion of Victorian elegance “aboard” a luxury… Read more »

Pines pump track proposal again growing some traction

(May 11, 2017) Two members of the Ocean Pines Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee are hoping to gain support for a proposed “pump track,” a small, circular track that can accommodate both bicycling and skateboarding. “It promotes bicycling that’s more about the momentum and the finesse of riding. Another good analogy is like a skate… Read more »

SU students present green projects to Berlin Council

(May 11, 2017) Five political science and environmental studies students from Dr. Sarah Surak’s senior seminar class at Salisbury University presented their findings to the Berlin Town Council on Monday. The students had been working with town officials, business owners, citizens and local organizations on a semester-spanning final project since February. Laura Baasland proposed the… Read more »

Memorial Day parade to honor Jesse Turner

(May 11, 2017) The Ole Fashioned Memorial Day Parade Committee announced this week the continuance of the annual celebration in Berlin. The parade, on Monday, May 29, will honor the late Jesse H. Turner, who was a founding member of the committee and served as parade chairman since its inception. To honor Turner, the parade… Read more »

Dr. Horn bringing psychology, board experience to OPA race

(May 11, 2017) Dr. Colette Horn is hoping to bring “a fresh perspective” to the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors. Horn has owned property in Ocean Pines since 2009, but said she only started to pay close attention to the governance of the community during the last year or two. “A lot of that… Read more »