(Feb. 23, 2017) With the owners’ permission, two tours this weekend will explore a few areas normally closed to birders, and more than a couple that are open to the public all year. On Saturday, preregistered guests are meeting at Urban Nectar on Old Ocean City Boulevard in Berlin at 8 a.m. for a cup… Read more »
Ocean City Power Squadron to offer course for boating
(Feb. 23, 2017) Ocean City Power Squadron, a unit of the United States Power Squadrons, will present a four-week instructional program, “America’s Boating Course,” Feb. 27 through March 20. The course will be given at the Worcester County Library, Ocean Pines branch, held over four consecutive Monday evenings. It is an eight-hour course with an… Read more »
WPS teacher to present lecture during convention
(Feb. 23, 2017) Worcester Prep Lower School art teacher Rebecca Tittermary was once again selected to present a lecture in a session titled, “Utilizing Technology to Bring Museum Experiences to Students,” during the 2017 National Art Education Association Convention, in New York, March 2-4. She will co-present with art teacher Jennifer Moore from the… Read more »
Coastal Hospice announces new board of directors
(Feb. 23, 2017) Coastal Hospice recently announced its new board of directors for 2017. Michael P. Dunn, formerly the Coastal Hospice board’s executive committee member at large, assumes the chair position from Immediate Past Chair Glenna Heckathorn. Stephen R. Farrow is now vice chair; Lorie Phillips is treasurer; Diana L. Barber is secretary; and Byron… Read more »
‘Mayor of Germantown’ to retire
(Feb. 16, 2017) When 86-year-old Jesse Turner closes the Berlin Shoe Box next month, it will not only be the end of a 68-year career, but also the end of an era. More than a mere cobbler, Turner is a U.S. Army veteran and the longtime organizer of the Old Fashioned Memorial Day Parade in… Read more »
Ocean Pines Board hopes new golf fee structure up to par
(Feb. 16, 2017) By unanimous consent, the Ocean Pines Association approved sweeping changes to the golf membership fee structure during a budget meeting on Friday. Board Vice President Dave Stevens said he met with President Tom Herrick and homeowner Bob Kessler the day before, and the trio banged out a three-page plan for golf that… Read more »
Bipartisan bill could save Snow Hill almost $18K
(Feb. 16, 2017) Late last year when it was revealed Comptroller Peter Franchot’s office misallocated a total of about $21.4 million, it was discovered that Snow Hill was the lone Worcester town to owe the state money. A new bill aims to forgive that debt. The matter wasn’t exactly pressing, since the state had already… Read more »
Council discusses speed cameras vs. humps
(Feb. 16, 2017) The long, flat and straight roads of Pocomoke City are being used as drag strips, and the town is tussling with how to prevent local speedsters from using them in this manner. On the one side, much of the city council appears to be in favor of installing speed cameras along the… Read more »
Fins owner makes public show of affection for Berlin
(Feb. 16, 2017) In a somewhat unusual move, the first item on the council agenda Monday night in Berlin was a presentation from Fin’s Ale House and Raw Bar owner Jeff Hamer. Hamer recently had a positive experience opening a restaurant in the town, and he contrasted that with running eight other businesses in the… Read more »
Water interruption, Wed., cut nursery school classes short
(Feb. 16, 2017) Parents and caregivers had to scramble last Wednesday as the Snow Hill Christian Nursery School, the largest daycare facility in town, had to close early because of an interruption in water service. Wendy Kemmet, director of the school, said state law forbids a child care facility to remain open longer than 30… Read more »