SNOW HILL- Twenty-one year Worcester County Public School veteran Kimberly Purvis will be serving as the interim principal of Snow Hill High School, effective Aug. 20. The school system made the announcement after the resignation of Tom Davis, former Snow Hill High School principal. Davis was appointed on Aug. 19 by the Somerset Board of… Read more »
Raffle winner gets chance to name Assateague foal
ASSATEAGUE ISLAND – Assateague Island Alliance, friends group of Assateague Island National Seashore, presents a rare opportunity to “Name That Foal.” Enter the Name That Foal Charitable Raffle for a chance to name the wild Assateague Horse, currently known as N2BHS-AL, a pinto filly born in December 2013. The foal was a “Christmas Surprise” and… Read more »
AAA expecting heavy travel volume for Labor Day holiday
MARYLAND – AAA Travel projects 34.7 million Americans will journey 50 miles or more from home during the Labor Day holiday weekend, the highest volume for the holiday since 2008 and a 1.3 percent increase over 2013. Nearly 86 percent of travelers (29.7 million) will celebrate the holiday with a final road trip before summer… Read more »
Tickets now on sale for OP Chamber cash, bingo event
OCEAN PINES–Tickets are on sale now for the Ocean Pines Chamber of Commerce Cash & Prize Bingo event on Friday, Sept.12 in the Ocean Pines Community Center. Bingo players will win cash and prize packages from local area businesses. Each game is worth at least $50 and special games are played for $100 cash. There… Read more »
Thom Gulyas candidate for Berlin Town Council seat
BERLIN– After more than 25 years the town will have a new face in the At Large seat on the council. Ace Printing owner Thom Gulyas, 49, is the first person to publicly announce candidacy for the seat vacated by retiring councilmember Paula Lynch. Gulyas, who ran against District 2 Councilperson Lisa Hall six years… Read more »
When too many chambers might be bad for commerce
WORCESTER COUNTY– As business owners struggle to keep up with the sizeable fees and responsibilities required by membership at the three main chambers of commerce in the county, early plans could be coming together to merge one or more chamber. Dozens of business owners in Worcester County pay membership fees to chambers in Ocean City,… Read more »
Stevens takes over as OPA’s new president
OCEAN PINES– After a contentious election the Board of Directors formed new leadership during their annual organizational meeting on Friday, Aug. 15. Dave Stevens, Marty Clarke, Jack Collins and Pat Renaud, expected to comprise an unofficial voting coalition on the Ocean Pines Association Board, assumed the top four positions. Newly elected Board member Dave Stevens… Read more »
Expo coming to airport, Aug. 30
WEST OCEAN CITY–Ocean City Aviation Association presents the “Wings & Wheels” Expo 2014 at the Ocean City Municipal Airport on Saturday, Aug. 30 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. This event will include a display of aircraft and motor vehicles from the past, as well as various crafts and merchandise. Vendors will be on… Read more »
County Arts Council looks to expand; needs teachers
BERLIN–Looking for more opportunities to teach art? To encourage art education in the local communities, the Worcester County Arts Council is seeking to expand its offerings of children and adult art classes and is currently accepting proposals from qualified instructors who would like to teach a variety of visual arts, performing arts, and other media,… Read more »
Hundreds of Jeeps roll into resort for fifth annual event
BERLIN—Ocean City Jeep Week is in full swing with hundreds of Jeeps and thousands of Jeep owners and enthusiasts gathered in the resort to enjoy beach crawls, obstacle courses, trail rides, shows with prizes and more. “From watching the beach crawls to cruising around Jeep Week HQ this event has a lot of excitement and… Read more »