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Town Could Save $4 Million on Sewer

BERLIN — Although there is much to be done in the coming months, the wastewater plant upgrade should come in at more than $4 million below the approved bond funding, according to Town Administrator Tony Carson. The mayor and council this week approved a bond measure to secure the next phase of the plant’s construction… Read more »

Small Town Goes Big Time with the Berlin Peach Festival

BERLIN — The Berlin Peach Festival is like a party that has gotten out of hand in the best way. Inaugurated by the Harrison family and the Berlin Historic Society as a small get-together to celebrate the town’s near-forgotten agricultural history, the event has quickly morphed into the kind of day people keep marked on… Read more »

Paige Ruby Moves into Mixed Media

BERLIN — The only thing more satisfying than being good at something is getting good at something. Finding both the means and the reason to push yourself out of your comfort zone in order to reawaken your creative spirit is an act with which many are familiar.  But when your creative spirit is also your… Read more »

Happy Chickens Ley Better Eggs

LE — Bob Harrison’s chickens aren’t just pets, they are spoiled pets. It might be better to call them pampered rather than spoiled because spoiled suggests they might be poorly behaved or ill-tempered, which isn’t the case. Neither are they demanding or overbearing. In fact, spoiled gets less at their demeanor and more at Harrison’s… Read more »

Rec. Center to be Solar Powered

SNOW HILL — Solar power may be coming to the Worcester County Recreation Center, thanks to a grant from the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) also known as the federal stimulus package. County engineer Bill Bradshaw and Kim Johnson, county budget accountant on Tuesday presented the commissioners with… Read more »

Town gets Chamber input in preparation for PSC rate reduction case

BERLIN — The next step in lowering the electric rates for Berlin has begun, with the Mayor Gee Williams and the Town Council this week seeking the support of the business community as they prepare to argue the town’s case before the state Public Service Commission (PSC). Earlier this month, the council endorsed a proposal… Read more »

Town seek Pitt Street solution

BERLIN — As the Donaway Building on Pitt Street nears completion, the Town Council has charged Police Chief Arnold Downing with finding a solution that will make the street easier and safer for cars. When cars line both sides of Pitt Street, the road becomes difficult to navigate, as there is barely enough room for… Read more »

Staples fined for price mishaps

WEST OCEAN CITY — The Staples store in the White Marlin Mall was cited last month by the Maryland Department of Weights and Measures for charging a price at the register that was different from the price marked on the shelf. The local Staples was one of 38 stores cited in a statewide sweep of… Read more »

Maryland stores cited for weights and measure irregularities

ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) Weights and Measures reported the following enforcement activity between April 14, 2011 and July 11, 2011.  Giant Food # 362, Germantown — On April 14, MDA received $1000 for a civil penalty assessed for short weight. Giant Food # 140, Hyattsville — On April 15, MDA received… Read more »

Federal regulations put a crimp in the Local Challenge’s style

BERLIN —  When Upton Sinclair got the country and its politicians all atwitter about the conditions under which meat was produced, America was a radically different country. Gasoline wasn’t even really the main fuel for moving things around the planet and the notion of highly-centralized production being the best way to handle all commodities was… Read more »