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OPA supporting bike and pedestrian access

• bike ride1

By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (Nov. 24, 2022) The Ocean Pines Board of Directors on Saturday agreed to submit a letter of endorsement in support of the efforts by the Worcester County Bike and Pedestrian Coalition with the Route 90 expansion project. The letter would go to the Maryland State Highway Administration as well as… Read more »

Purnell officially steps aside

•purnell award

By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (Oct. 13, 2022) Troy Purnell could be found where he’s usually found every other week two nights ago, at the Berlin Mayor and Town Council Meeting. But instead of sitting on the panel of elected officials at the front of the room, he was in the crowd, for the first… Read more »

Entire Pines Elections Committee resigns


By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (Oct. 13, 2022) After an association-alarming slip-up and a month-plus of questions, accusations and all-around turmoil, the entire Ocean Pines Election Committee resigned from their positions on Oct. 5, the OPA announced. The resignations come a week after the committee recertified the results of the August Board of Directors election… Read more »

Green, Knerr, Burrell sworn in

•partial council-new members

By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer The new Berlin Town Council is in. Incumbents Dean Burrell and Jay Knerr and newcomer Steve Green took their oaths of office at the beginning of the mayor and Town Council meeting on Tuesday, which should solidify the dais on the second floor of the Town Hall for the next… Read more »

Burrell wins Berlin District 4 by two votes


By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (Oct. 6, 2022) On a wet, dreary day that turned out less than 75 voters in a district with more than 700, incumbent Berlin Town Councilmember Dean Burrell fended off challenger Tony Weeg by just two votes. The remnants of a nor’easter that spun off from Hurricane Ian, having pounded… Read more »

Hartman, Carozza look at new laws in Worcester


By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (Oct. 6, 2022) When the calendar turns to October, many new laws go into effect in Maryland. Del. Wayne Hartman and Sen. Mary Beth Carozza talked with Bayside Gazette about the laws — both good and bad — that they have their eyes on. Hartman started with a trio of bills that… Read more »

Pines purse still growing

By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (Oct. 6, 2022) Ocean Pines’s finances continue to outperform expectations. After reviewing the numbers at its Sept. 26 meeting, the Ocean Pines Budget and Finance Committee found no cause for concern as the association enters the final quarter of the calendar year. “We have a positive operating variance of $161,000… Read more »

OPA recount vastly different, yet completely same


By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (Oct. 6, 2022) One week later, nothing has changed. The Ocean Pines Association’s hand recount of ballots and votes in the 2022 board of directors election yielded plenty of drama in recent weeks but in the end, directors Stephen Jacobs, Stuart Lakernick and Monica Rakowski retained their seats. The recount… Read more »

OPA discussing North Gate e-sign


By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (Oct. 6, 2022) On the recommendation of the Ocean Pines Communications Committee, the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors last Saturday began discussing the installation of an electronic sign at North Gate. Committee liaison Steve Jacobs said that the committee has fielded two similar bids that differ only on some… Read more »

OPA keeping tabs on Rakegate


By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (Oct. 6, 2022) The Ocean Pines Board of Directors last Saturday grappled with the fallout from a misplaced rake head at the Ocean Pines Wastewater Treatment Plant that caused the county hundreds of thousands of dollars. Earlier this year, a county employee at the plant neglected to report that the… Read more »