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Elections contractor located so far away

Without knowing the details of discussions between Ocean Pines representatives and an election management company in Washington State, it’s difficult to make a convincing argument one way or the other about whether signing with an outfit so far away was the wisest move to make. For all anyone outside the Election Committee’s deliberations and consultations… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Teachers deserve respect and raise Editor, It is very concerning that the Worcester County Commissioners rejected the school board’s budget. Lack of transparency was sited as the reason. Does that mean that in the past their budgets had clarity but this year’s doesn’t? As a resident and taxpayer, I would like to know the specifics…. Read more »

Sadly, shooter drills  becoming routine

It’s a sad commentary on the state of affairs in this country when a small local hospital announces intent to  conduct an active shooter drill and no one responds, “You have to be kidding!” But worse, not only did Atlantic General Hospital’s news release about a desire to proceed with this training exercise fail to… Read more »

Fixing employees pay

All this talk about market value pay and percentages can be confusing to anyone trying to follow Berlin officials’ discussion of how to fix the town’s big payroll problem. That problem, apparently, is that many town employees are being paid far less than their counterparts in similar areas, and that has led to difficulties in… Read more »

Filing of charges one of many steps to come

The news that charges were filed last Friday in the Gavin Knupp fatal hit-and-run case, might have some people expecting some form of commentary on what has just happened and what should happen next. The next steps in this process, however, are the responsibility of the local justice system, which doesn’t need any advice from… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Letters Community compassion Editor, What defines a community isn’t just geographic proximity, it’s a willingness to work together for the betterment of the whole. Recently, I had the wonderful opportunity to witness the compassion of our community during a Stephen Decatur High School-sponsored Believe in Tomorrow beach supply drive. Our Believe in Tomorrow House By the… Read more »