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Gazette Editorial

Setting inflexible limit in changeable times A million dollars just isn’t what it used to be. Time was, you could buy five or six homes in and around Ocean Pines for that kind of money, but now, according to February’s median sales prices as reported by the Coastal Association of Realtors, you might be able… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Faith communities need to foot costs Editor, I don’t see this pandemic any more political than the Spanish Flu, the Diphtheria  epidemics, or the Black Plague.  Working in Maryland’s Lower Shore I see up close how covid is affecting not only the health of our communities, but the economy, and society as well. Taking religion… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Pines spending limit questioned Editor, As full-time residents of Ocean Pines for over 20 years, we have enjoyed the quiet pace of living and the wonderful amenities available to all property owners. Since some of our facilities were built before 2020 and even in the 1970s and ’80s, there is an understandable need to replace… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Supports OPA spending proposal Editor, After reading the OPA Board of Directors’ full page ad in your newspaper, I am compelled to respond. Contrary to what the board stated in the ad,  OPA Bylaws actually provide a flexible approach to handle repairs and replacements of facilities in phases if necessary. Meaning, the ongoing care of our… Read more »

Gazette Editorial

Academy can help inform our opinions If there’s one thing this country could use more of it would be civics lessons, which is why the Ocean Pines Academy and other programs like it are so important. Criticizing the administration of a community, county, state or the nation itself is something everyone has a constitutional right… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Response to fire company response Editor, After reading the response to the fact I called the fire house a storage unit, I stand corrected. According to the David VanGasbeck and Steven Grunewald it’s used to “house”  first-line firefighting equipment.  Please. I call it tomato you call it tamato. You can call it what you want…. Read more »

Gazette Editorial

Berlin budget process needs to be changed Berlin Town Council members who say the budget timing is a little off, in terms of announcing the tax rate, have a good point. Declaring the rate before analyzing the expenses is like deciding how much gas to put in the car before taking a trip of undetermined… Read more »