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Letters to the Editor

Voucher proponent misinformed Editor, The second part of Mr. Lind’s letter to the editor of March 16th addresses HB 610, which concerns the proposed school voucher program. His claim that this bill will help the underprivileged be able to attend better private schools through the voucher program is misinformed. With just a little bit of… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Sexual Assault Awareness Month Editor, April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. This year’s theme, “Engaging New Voices,” builds on the idea that we are stronger together, and that new partners and community members are needed to expand sexual assault prevention efforts. We can help the next generation foster attitudes that promote healthy relationships, equality and… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Where was the coverage? Editor, I have been unable to find the (Tymeir Dennis fatal accident) story in any local print publications or their online versions. I believe the (local television station) version omits multiple important facts. The trooper, Hager, was only 21 years old at the time of the accident. He was driving an… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

In defense of free, unfettered press Editor, The new administration’s attack on the press as an “enemy” of the people of the U.S. should be viewed with suspicion. The Constitution has inviolable and institutional guarantees for free speech and for a free press in the First Amendment to the Constitution: “Congress shall make no law… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Main St. Patriots Editor, Patriotic groups and individuals having been playing defense for a very long time, and yet now that we are the winners too many of us are doing nothing even as the losers refuse to accept the results of an election, and are engaging in riots and attacks on police, as well… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Another successful event held for vets Editor, Star Charities wishes to thank the community and our generous sponsors for participating in our annual “Beef & Beer,” an event that raises funds for wounded veterans. It was held Friday, Jan. 27 at the Ocean Pines Community Center. We are proud to be able to donate $6,000… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

In response to Jan. 5 campground story   Editor, Anyone who hears someone say a development will have “no runoff” should be extremely suspicious. Without denigrating Mr. Cropper’s credentials as the representative of the proposed site’s developers, there is no way any such development will not have runoff. Even if it is into existing ponds,… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Donate during  ‘Giving Season’ Editor, “To everything there is a season … and a time for every purpose under heaven.” – Ecclesiastes 3:1 This well-known quote has stood timeless among so many thousands of seasons of change. In a time that for those of us seeking clarity in a time of seemingly constant change, this… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

The fracking issue Editor, I don’t want to take the time to write another letter, but I am compelled when I read such ridiculous nonsense. I am referring to an article or advertisement in [another local publication] on Nov. 25. It was entitled: “My Nature Presents.” The author came out with all the typical “sky… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Times story sold Snow Hill short Editor, On Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2016, Daily Times reporter Gino Fanelli composed a story titled “Can Snow Hill bounce back?” To say that I am disappointed with this reporter’s article is an understatement. Not only was the report inaccurate, but it made the front page as a headline story…. Read more »