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Not-so-smart? Editor, After attending the Choptank open house on June 18 in Ocean Pines, we had more concerns than ever and decided to contact several insurance companies on their position of coverage for fire claims resulting from possible noncompliant, non U.L. listed smart meter devices. Of the three agencies we have contacted, all three agents… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Blame format Editor, As a candidate in the current election process for a position on the Board of Directors in Ocean Pines, I take some exception to your opinion column dated July 2, 2015, lamenting candidates who provide more style than substance. Unfortunately, none of the participating candidates have any input in determining the format… Read more »

County treated teachers, government workers equally

Public school teachers and staff got their raises approved this week, following a Worcester County Board of Education vote on Tuesday to shuffle money and to eliminate a number of positions, many of which were part-time. The tenor of the public discussion preceding that vote, however, has been that the county commissioners slighted education in… Read more »

Berlin establishes ‘Beat the Peak’

  (June 18, 2015) The Town of Berlin Electric Utility launched a Beat the Peak program on June 1, to reduce energy consumption and costs, announced Mayor Gee Williams. “Beat the Peak is a voluntary energy conservation program that encourages limited energy usage, especially during peak times. The program saves the Electric Utility and its customers… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Memorial Day parade successful Editor, The Old-Fashioned Memorial/Decoration Day Parade Committee would like to express a heart-felt “thank you” to all who helped make the annual Memorial Day Parade on Flower Street in Berlin a total success. We would like to personally thank the Town of Berlin, Mayor Gee Williams, Councilman Dean Burrell and all… Read more »

Letters To The Editor

Memorial Day participants thanked Editor, For 10 years, residents of Ocean Pines, Worcester County and beyond have displayed their patriotism on Memorial Day by honoring service men and women at the Worcester County Veterans Memorial at Ocean Pines. This past Monday, May 25, a record crowd (estimated by police at between 3,500 and 4,000) experienced… Read more »

OPA gives Steen project thumbs up

(May 7, 2015) The OPA Board of Directors voted unanimously last Thursday to back a new construction project by developer Marvin Steen that could add several dozen duplexes in the area between King Richard Drive and Gum Point Road. Steen sent a letter to the board on April 1 asking for its support as he… Read more »

Hospice completes veteran program

(April 23, 2015) In order to better serve the veterans in hospice care, Coastal Hospice & Palliative Care has completed Level 1 of the “We Honor Veterans” program to provide specialized care to veterans who are facing a life limiting illness. The National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization and the Department of Veterans Affairs jointly… Read more »

Purnell, Elder host town hall meeting

(April 16, 2015) Worcester County Commissioners Diana Purnell and Ted Elder invite area residents to join them for a town hall meeting Thursday, April 23, at 6 p.m. at the Multipurpose Building on Flower Street in Berlin. Chief Administrative Officer Harold Higgins will give a brief presentation on the FY16 Requested Worcester County Operating Budget…. Read more »

Carozza announces listening hours

(April 16, 2015) Delegate Mary Beth Carozza (District 38C) will be holding Constituent Listening Hours across her district starting in late April and continuing throughout May. These Constituent Hours will be held on weeknights from 5-7 p.m. and are an opportunity for residents of District 38C to share their views and concerns. The first Constituent… Read more »