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Ocean Pines Anglers Club asks fishers for catch data

By Cindy Hoffman Staff Reporter (March 9, 2023) The Ocean Pines Anglers Club is asking local anglers to log and submit their catch data to help make recreational fishing statistics more complete. The catch data is part of the NOAA Fisheries’ Marine Recreational Information Program, a state, regional and federal partnership that develops, implements, and… Read more »

Towns, OP and county play annual tax game

When Worcester County Commissioner Chip Bertino said one of the budget requests from the Town of Berlin on Tuesday shouldn’t fall on the shoulders of county taxpayers, he overlooked a significant point — Berlin taxpayers are county taxpayers too. All taxpayers in Worcester’s municipalities are also county taxpayers, and they contribute a huge portion of… Read more »

Two layers of strawberry shortcake dessert

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By Paul Suplee, MBA, CEC, PC-3 St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner, or as many of us in the area call it, “Amateur Night.” It is an evening, and in some instances an entire day, of drinking and shenanigans. Why do we celebrate the day in the first place? Well, it has something… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Speed camera spot suggestion Editor, Since the Town of Berlin is exploring locations for speed control cameras, I believe Old Ocean City Boulevard between Route 113 and Route 50 should be added to the list. The road is less than half a mile from Stephen Decatur high and middle schools. Also on the street are… Read more »

Leaf-free ditches up to residents

By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Reporter (March 2, 2023) Ocean Pines will no longer use the leaf vacuum truck to remove leaves from the ditches in neighborhoods in the next fiscal year, obligating residents to remove the leaves from the ditches and bag them with the rest of their yard waste for pickup. Ocean Pines will… Read more »

OPVFD canvasses neighborhood to talk fire safety

OPVFD canvas 2

By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Reporter (March 2, 2023) Members of the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department hit the streets this week to talk to neighbors on Moby Dick Drive and Seafarer Lane after the deadly fire took the life of the home’s sole occupant at the time, 62-year-old Timothy Cooper. “We are here to answer… Read more »

Unique drug education program


By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Reporter (March 2,2023) Worcester County Public Schools and Worcester Goes Purple hosted a week-long series of health events featuring the MEGA Brain and MEGA Lungs at area schools to raise awareness among county middle and high school students about substance abuse. The inflatable MEGA brain and MEGA lungs provide students and… Read more »

SHA releases Route 90 scenarios

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By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (March 2, 2023) Ocean Pines residents who want to get to the beach club on a nice summer day know how congested Route 90 can get. Eastbound traffic queues can extend nearly six miles on Fridays approaching Ocean City, and more than 7.5 miles Saturdays during peak times. That’s only… Read more »

Berlin mayor has ambitious goals for town

Berlin town hall

Building renovations, park on Tyndall’s ’23 to-do list By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (March 2, 2023) A new town hall, a developed Heron Park, more public art, filling out the Berlin Police Department and bringing the Broad Street and William Street lift stations online were some of the highlights on Berlin Mayor Zack Tyndall’s list… Read more »