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Berlin Elections this Tuesday

Berlin town hall

By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (Sept. 29, 2022) The Berlin Town Council elections are just five days away. Candidates have long been settled, though they were officially confirmed only recently. No write-in candidates filed before the Sept. 27 deadline, leaving only District 4 up for grabs, where incumbent Dean Burrell looks to fend off a… Read more »

Saturday board meetings back in Ocean Pines

•crowd at mtg

By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (Sept. 26, 2022) Saturday meetings of the Ocean Pines Board of Directors are back and here to stay for the foreseeable future. About 30 people in person and another 50 online attended the 9 a.m. meeting in the Assateague Room in the Ocean Pines Community Center, a healthy-sized turnout that… Read more »

GM’s report highlights projects completed, scheduled


By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (Sept. 29, 2022) Numerous projects are completed, nearing completion, or ready to get underway, according to the latest report from Ocean Pines Association General Manager John Viola. Viola gave his monthly general manager’s report during Saturday’s Ocean Pines Board of Directors meeting and highlighted several projects. The $46,391 North Gate… Read more »

Ocean Pines Board of Directors briefs


By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (Sept. 29, 2022) The Ocean Pines Board of Directors discussed the following at its Sept. 24 meeting: Treasurer’s report As of Aug. 31, the association had $18 million in cash: $15.1 million in Bank of Ocean City insured cash sweep (ICS account); $1.1 invested in Certificate of Deposit Account Registry… Read more »

Berlin planning to improve police pay, benefits

police black suv

By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (Sept. 29, 2022) Berlin is finally making moves to solve its police staffing issues. During the Monday meeting of the mayor and Town Council, Berlin’s elected leaders unanimously agreed to pursue a plan that addresses myriad concerns including salary increases, shift differentials, FICA and retirement, pay for field training officers… Read more »

Berlin Fire workshopping new emergency fee

Berlin Fire Company

By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (Sept. 29, 2022) It could soon be that a $50 or $100 donation to the Berlin Fire Department will mean a cheaper ambulance ride for residents. After the regular council meeting on Monday, officials from the Berlin Fire Department briefed the mayor and Town Council on their new emergency response… Read more »

Burrell wants to see green development in Berlin

dean burrell

By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (Sept. 22, 2022) When asked what makes him the man to lead Berlin’s District 4, incumbent Councilmember Dean Burrell didn’t miss a beat. It’s his life experience. “My love and devotion to this town and my understanding of what this town needs, both residential and commercial,” he said. “We have… Read more »

Knerr to continue long career serving community


By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (Sept. 22, 2022) Barring unforeseen issues, Berlin Councilmember Jay Knerr will see four more years on the council. Knerr had been preparing to run against Adrian Bowen, but Bowen dropped out of the race suddenly last week. Knerr, who won the at-large seat that Thom Gulyas vacated in 2020, now… Read more »

Weeg wants to improve communication, government transparency

tony weeg

By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (Sept. 22, 2022) Tony Weeg’s passion for a skate park in Berlin has practically made his name synonymous with the term and now, the 49-year-old husband and father of three is hoping he can demonstrate to the residents of District 4 that his local passion and business acumen translate to… Read more »

Green running on integrity and insight from unique position


By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (Sept. 22, 2022) Residents of Berlin — and Worcester County — have been reading Steve Green’s reactions to what’s happening around town for years, and it is very likely, come Oct. 4, he’ll be given the power to be an agent of change instead of an observer. Green is running… Read more »