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Letter to the Editor

Trendic weighs in  on Farr case Editor, After reading the opinion titled “Election case ruling will define ownership” and Mr. Bright’s letter I wanted to bring this to your attention. As a former member of the OPA Board and the Association’s Secretary I understood how important it was to become familiar with our governing documents…. Read more »

William Pace Hunter

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William Pace Hunter Berlin William Pace Hunter, Aug. 28, 1942 – Sept. 22, 2021 Bill Hunter, beloved father, friend and member of the “shore family,” died suddenly of natural causes on Sept. 22, 2021, in Berlin, Maryland. To his friends and family, he was larger than life with a brilliant sense of humor and wit…. Read more »

Chef Suplee serves up fried alligator bites

2 cuisine

By Paul Suplee, MBA, CEC, PC-3 I was a nerd as a child. Hell, I am a nerd now, so I guess not much has changed. I adore history. When I step off the plane and make my way to the French Quarter, or St. George Street in St. Augustine, or a castle in Heidelberg,… Read more »

Carol Jean Caldwell

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Carol Jean Caldwell Ocean Pines Carol Jean Caldwell, 82, of Ocean Pines, passed away on Sept. 18, 2021, after a short illness. She was born Feb. 9, 1939 to Oscar and Evelyn Klaburner in Baltimore, Maryland. Carol graduated from Eastern High School in 1956 and met the love of her life, Jack Edward Caldwell, later… Read more »

Gazette Editorial

Election case ruling will define ownership There’s no way to know how Circuit Court Judge Sidney Campen will rule Monday after he weighs arguments over whether the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors rightfully declared would-be candidate Richard Farr ineligible to run after the election was underway. At issue is whether a trust’s ownership of… Read more »

OP to release property owner survey Monday


By Greg Ellison (Sept. 23, 2021) After gaining sign-off from the Board of Directors last week, a property owners’ survey created by the Ocean Pines Strategic Planning Committee is being released on Sept. 27. Strategic Planning Committee Co-Chairman Bernie McGorry presented survey specifics and related costs during the board meting on Sept. 15. “We feel… Read more »

OP Board candidate Farr court hearing Monday

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By Greg Ellison (Sept. 23, 2021) Property ownership questions concerning Ocean Pines Board of Directors candidate Rick Farr could be decided next week when Farr and Ocean Pines representatives appear at a Worcester County Circuit Court hearing next Monday. On Aug. 30, Judge Sidney Campen, retired from the Talbot County Circuit Court bench, opted against… Read more »

Recipe for Black ‘n Bleu Picanha Salad

2 cuisine

By Paul Suplee, MBA, CEC, PC-3 I hate socks. And I mean I loathe wearing the damn things. It will not be long before I reside somewhere I can walk barefoot into the supermarket year-round; say Hawai’i or Costa Rica. And if I am forced to wear my Olukais, then so be it. But I… Read more »

Viola updates OP financials with budget up $1.1 million


By Greg Ellison (Sept. 23, 2021) Ocean Pines good financial performance in July and August has put the association roughly $1.1 million ahead of budget for the first four months of its fiscal year, OPA General Manager John Viola reported last Wednesday During July, the association took in $254,000 more than budgeted in revenue, while… Read more »