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Break apart lump crab meat, don’t shred

2 cuisine

By Paul Suplee, MBA, CEC, PC-3 I look at wholesale pricelists and I want to cry. Calamari is just about non-existent, or at least good squid is. Beef and seafood prices are through the roof, and even the lesser cattle cuts cost as much as tenderloin did a few years ago. But nothing breaks my heart… Read more »

William Fry

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Berlin William “Spider” Fry, 92, of Berlin, Maryland, died on Sunday, Aug. 8, 2021, at his home.  Spider was born on March 14, 1929, in Norristown, Pennsylvania, but spent his early childhood living in Elkton, Maryland.  Spider graduated from the University of Maryland class of 1951. He was a member of the Sigma Nu fraternity…. Read more »

NY strip steak with garlic compound butter

2 cuisine

Years ago, I helped open a new restaurant.  On the menu, we offered a dry-aged 10-ounce New York Strip for $42 and a 12-ounce CAB New York Strip for $26.  We decided on the choice as many people would not want to spend that much on dinner. The soft openings went well, and it was… Read more »

Resort’s court loss a win for everyone else

The question mainland residents might be asking themselves this week following the Town of Ocean City’s loss of its tax differential court case against Worcester County is, “So what?” Whether taxpayers know it or not, the Maryland Court of Appeals’ rejection of resort government’s attempt to overturn two lower court decisions that went against it… Read more »

Berlin Community Center Committee details set

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By Greg Ellison (Aug. 12, 2021) After opting against paying for a feasibility study for a proposed community center on Flower Street in June, the Berlin Town Council on Monday voted to create a committee to vet the topic. During the discussions in June, Councilman Jack Orris proposed forming a Community Center Development Committee to… Read more »

Berlin Briefs 08/12/2021

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By Greg Ellison (Aug. 12, 2021) Berlin Town Council approved a grant application for basketball court lighting at Henry Park, along with a special use request for a school supply and movie night at the site, as well as reviewing timelines for dispersing federal covid relief funds during its meeting on Monday. ARPA timelines Mayor… Read more »

OP/Berlin Police Briefs

By Greg Ellison Juvenile car theft Berlin Police were led on a brief pursuit early Sunday morning after seeing a vehicle doing “doughnuts” near Church Street. The incident, which took place around 3 a.m., concluded after the 16-year-old behind the wheel of a stolen vehicle wrecked the car in a yard in the 200 block… Read more »

Pines Board splits vote to continue election


Special meeting held on Monday quickly negated after court intervention  By Greg Ellison (Aug. 12, 2021) A motion to rescind the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors’ decisions last week to declare then board candidate Rick Farr ineligible to run but to continue with the nearly completed election ’s was voted down during a special… Read more »

Pines Bylaws Committee vets language changes

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By Greg Ellison (Aug. 12, 2021) The Ocean Pines Bylaws and Resolutions Committee considered several language changes to association governing documents during its meeting on Friday. The first matter was related to the percentage of votes required to pass a referendum. Committee chairman Jim Trummel said the bylaws work group examining potential updates to the… Read more »