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Gazette Editorial

Separate budgets not route to compromise The Town of Berlin’s tale of two budgets and the conflict between the two should never have happened, and wouldn’t have if the mayor and council had been working on the same spreadsheet from the beginning. But no, Mayor Zack Tyndall dropped his version on the council as a… Read more »

Ocean Pines GM succession plan ready when time comes

Frank Daly headshot

By Greg Ellison (June 3, 2021) Although the Ocean Pines general manager position remains filled until at least next June, the Board of Directors last week approved succession-planning documents that outlined a lengthy list of qualifications. Director Frank Daly, who chaired the workgroup that developed the list of qualifications, said the planning criteria would prove… Read more »

Ceviche served with pickled red onions

2 cuisine

By Paul Suplee, MBA, CEC, PC-3 Yes indeed, it is a wonderful morning as I look out my office window. The pool is getting prepared for opening, my body aches from head to toe from the work I did on the front gardens yesterday and I can smell summer in the air. I am lagging… Read more »

Dockshare online platform fully functional


By Greg Ellison (June 3, 2021) Connecting recreational boaters with short-term mooring rentals is the intent of Dockshare, an online platform developed last year by Ocean Pines residents Nate and Gina Young. “Last Memorial Day was our soft launch, but this feels more like a true launch,” Nate Young said. Despite the covid-19 pandemic largely… Read more »

Environment committee works on pending efforts

•ken wolf headshot

By Greg Ellison (June 3, 2021) The following topics were discussed during the Ocean Pines Environmental & Natural Assets Committee meeting on May 26: Route 90 pond Committee Chairman Ken Wolf said members are consulting with Maryland Coastal Bays Program officials to find ways to enhance a scarcely used pond tucked away in the woods… Read more »

American Legion posts work separate flag deals in Berlin


By Greg Ellison (June 3, 2021) While the bulk of Memorial Day remembrances occurred on Monday, a week earlier separate efforts by Berlin’s two American Legion Posts, Boggs Disharoon #123 and Duncan Showell #231, maintained longstanding traditions of placing American Flags at military veterans’ gravesites. American Legion Post #123 Commander Vincent Holloway Jr. said more… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Bathtub Races spectator concerns [July 9] Editor, The Berlin Bathtub Races are scheduled for Sunday, June 11, and many other events will be happening in downtown Berlin now that the pandemic restrictions are lifting. Restrictions or not, we believe spectators at these events need to practice a little common courtesy. Many people stand along the… Read more »

Worcester Tech student gets state award

•brennan award

By Mallory Panuska (June 3, 2021) Brennan Morris wanted to help law enforcement officers gain better, faster access to calls they were answering. In achieving that goal, the 17-year-old Worcester Technical High student not only created a working mapping system to improve officer drive times, but he also gained statewide recognition. Morris’ project, which uses… Read more »

OP Executive Council examines strategic planning

•exec council

By Greg Ellison (June 3, 2021) Creating planning strategies dominated discussions during the Ocean Pines Association Executive Council last Wednesday. Bernie McGorry, who co-chairs the Strategic Planning Committee with Moe Delcher, reviewed the groups’ progress and asked for the thoughts of the executive council, which is comprised of advisory committee chairs. McGorry said his committee… Read more »