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Residents receive free tree, shrub seedlings

8 Mary Bohlen

By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer (March 25, 2021) The town of Berlin is working through the Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ Backyard Buffers program to offer free tree seedlings to county landowners, who have a creek, drainage ditch, stream or other waterway on or near their property. The Backyard Buffers program started as a pilot in Frederick County in… Read more »

Short-term rentals proposal prompts extended comments

Frank Daly headshot

By Greg Ellison (March 25, 2021) Although a motion for short-term rental guidelines was delayed because a town hall meeting on the topic is scheduled next month, Ocean Pines residents spent nearly two hours airing their views on the proposed rules during a board of directors’ virtual meeting Saturday. Board member Dr. Colette Horn preempted… Read more »

Gazette Editorial

Board should simply take care of business In their pursuit of a more harmonious relationship, the members of the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors have agreed to critique their own performances and to hash out the results and their differences, presumably, in private. This desire to eliminate the interpersonal friction is laudable, even though… Read more »

OP treasurer outlines costs for holding referendum vote

17 Doug Parks

By Greg Ellison (March 25, 2021) Ocean Pines Treasurer Doug Parks reported on assessment collection totals, reserve balances, investment rates of return and referendum costs during the Board of Directors meeting on Saturday. Parks said the percentage of uncollected assessment fees for the current fiscal year continues to dwindle with more than $8.9 million received… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Supports spending referendum in Pines Editor, The spending referendum to limit the board of directors to $1,000,000 without authority from referendum is definitely necessary. The directors seems to all have agendas to what they want to accomplish in their terms in office. Sometimes good for the whole community, sometimes good  for just a few. So… Read more »

OP Communication Committee looks for engagement


By Greg Ellison (March 25, 2021) The recently formed “Ocean Pines — Get Involved” Facebook community group and the soon-to-be-unveiled online “residents academy” dominated discussions during the Communications Committee meeting last Thursday. Committee member Jenny Cropper Rines said the Get Involved Facebook group should provide insight on issues of concern to the community. Rines, who… Read more »

Gin-Gin Mule variation of Moscow drink

2 cuisine

By Paul Suplee, MBA, CEC, PC-3 Misery loves company, and I have come to discern that no populace holds this truism closer to its heart than parents of young children in Disney, and now that it has finally reopened to the dismay of many a father, I smile an evil little grin, knowing that I… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

OP Facebook group looks for change Editor, This letter was sent to the Ocean Pines Association directors and forwarded to Bayside Gazette. Dear directors, We wanted to introduce the Facebook group Ocean Pines- Get Involved to you. The purpose of the group Ocean Pines Get Involved (OPGV) and the intent and essence of this group… Read more »

AGH associates discuss impact of covid-19

•community impact

By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer (March 18, 2021) Nettie Widgeon, a Berlin resident and charge nurse in the emergency department at Atlantic General Hospital, told the Berlin mayor and Town Council last Monday how unnerving it was to care for patients in the age of covid-19 last year. Her presentation was part of the overview… Read more »