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Sweets Search

Three little girls 2

ALLY LANASA/ BAYSIDE GAZETTE Trick-or-treating in Berlin on Halloween night, from left, are Ellie Bookwater, 5, and Sophia, 5, and Seva Nistazos, 7, of Ocean City.


fest crowd

ALLY LANASA/BAYSIDE GAZETTE Crowds descended in Berlin on Oct. 17 for Oktoberfest and the Annual Fall Sidewalk Sale from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., causing the police to close Main Street during the event.


thom and elroy

ALLY LANASA/BAYSIDE GAZETTE Then-Mayor Gee Williams, center, recognized At-large Councilman Thom Gulyas, left, and District 3 Councilman Elroy Brittingham for their service to Berlin as elected officials during their last meeting on Sept. 28. Gulyas, 55, resigned from his position after six years because he and his family will be moving to South Point. Brittingham,… Read more »

Distance Learning

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PHOTO COURTESY CARRIE STERRS Worcester County Public Schools Superintendent Lou Taylor observes Joe Miller’s environmental science lesson being conducted via Zoom at Worcester Technical High School on Sept. 8.

Temperature Check

front WPS temp 2

PHOTO COURTESY WORCESTER PREPARATORY SCHOOL Worcester Preparatory School Director of Advancement Betsy Hornung takes freshman Sam Menendez’s temperature as he exits the bus on Sept. 1. Director of College Counseling Vickie Garner assists by logging any pertinent information.

Peach Day

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JOSH KIM/BAYSIDE GAZETTE Visitors wait in line on the Calvin B. Taylor House Museum lawn at 208 N. Main St. in Berlin to purchase bags of peaches for $8 during the modified 12th annual Peach Day on Aug. 1 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Repaving Streets

Buckingham Road

ALLY LANASA/BAYSIDE GAZETTE Buckingham Road was repaved after a 2017 inspection of Berlin roadways by Davis, Bowen & Friedel, Inc. determined it needed repairs. Other streets that required maintenance were Tingle Street, Harrison Avenue and Upshur Lane.

Ill Winds


ALLY LANASA/BAYSIDE GAZETTE This downed tree in Berlin is just one of many that toppled on Aug. 4 as Tropical Storm Isaias caused damage throughout the Eastern Shore, with some areas impacted more than others.

Summer Sidewalk Sale

World of Toys

ALLY LANASA/BAYSIDE GAZETTE Visitors and residents of Berlin search for deals on children’s gifts at World of Toys on North Main Street during the annual Summer Sidewalk Sale from Aug. 14-16, which aligned with tax-free shop- ping week in Maryland. The sidewalk sale has taken place in downtown Berlin for over 60 years.

Welcome … at a Distance

new teachers

PHOTO COURTESY WORCESTER COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Superintendent of Schools Lou Taylor delivered welcoming remarks to new teachers on Aug. 17 at Worcester Technical High School in Newark, as they prepared to work under circumstances that no one could have anticipated and was illustrated by the spread-out seating arrangement. The schools have operated according to a… Read more »