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Choptank eyes broadband service

The Board 2017

Electric cooperative asking for regulatory flexibility with proposed state legislation (Dec. 19, 2019) Choptank Electric Cooperative, which began providing power to homes and businesses on Maryland’s Eastern Shore in 1938, is lobbying for state legislation next year to provide broadband services to more than 54,000 member customers in nine counties. In a recent plea for… Read more »

Maryland DNR grants gateway streamlines funding


(Dec. 19, 2019) Aiming to simplify the qualification process for environmental project funding, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources last year instituted its Chesapeake and Coastal Grants Gateway one-stop online application portal. Gabe Cohee, director for the Center for Restoration Finance at Chesapeake and Coastal Service said DNR officials recognized that solicitations for funding required… Read more »

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays

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Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas? Is this country going to hell in a secular handcart? No, and it’s because the annual “war on Christmas” argument is humbug. For a real war on Christmas, go to 1789, when the French Revo- lutionary government banned it as a religious celebration. Coinci- dentally, or not, our nation’s… Read more »

Berlin permits show uptick as end of 2019 draws near

Berlin Town Hall

By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer (Dec. 19, 2019) Berlin’s Planning and Zoning Department had a busy year, with 10 permits filed for single- family homes, and more than 200 overall permits, Director Dave Engelhart told members of the Town Coun- cil during a meeting last week. This year’s permits were higher than in recent years. There… Read more »

OPA Recreation Committee returning to action

Larry Perrone headshot

Inactive for months, it will resume its facility reviews as budget sessions begin (Dec. 19, 2019) With the Ocean Pines Association budget process kicking into high gear in January, board of directors member Larry Perrone said a reconstituted Recreation and Parks Committee is slated to meet next month to examine facility upgrades and program expansions…. Read more »

Paper, digital? election committee wants to know


Voting system discussion needs members’ opinions Dec. 19, 2019) While considering voting system vendor options last week, the Ocean Pines Elections Committee concluded that gauging community sentiment and assessing HOA bylaw requirements should occur prior to adopting revised balloting systems for future OPA Board of Directors elections. OPA followed up on discussions the month before… Read more »

Viola extension brings about little discussion

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The absence of discussion before the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors’ voted last week to extend General Manager John Viola’s contract was a powerful endorsement of his performance over the last six months. Although it is a given that the GM and the board did talk privately about the terms of his two-and-a-half-year contract… Read more »

Berlin Christmas Parade: what’s involved?

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By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer (Dec. 12, 2019) The Berlin Christmas Parade has several moving parts to make it the successful event people look forward to year after year. Organizers, volunteers and participants are all involved in the process. Ocean Pines resident Ginger Fleming, who has been volunteering for the past seven years, praised last Thursday’s parade…. Read more »

State report card shows high marks for Wor.

SCHOOLS chalkboard

By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer (Dec. 12, 2019) No school district in Maryland had a better state report card than Worcester County’s public school system, according to the state Department of Education, which released the results of its assessment for 2019 last Tuesday. Nine schools in Worcester received four- and five-star ratings on the 2019 Maryland… Read more »

Fourth annual Meal for the Hungry fills Berlin


By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer (Dec. 12, 2019) More than 200 people were fed last Tuesday during the fourth annual Meal for the Hungry at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church. “From the standpoint of community outreach, it’s a win-win for everyone,” said Robin Tomaselli, vice president of Berlin’s Arts and Entertainment committee. “The people that are… Read more »