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Historic District Commission rejects Mariner porch request

By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (Aug. 16, 2018) Garrett Neeb and Reggie Mariner of Bay Four LLC were not warmly greeted by members of the Berlin Historic District Commission and its audience last Wednesday, and were denied approval for a freestanding porch at their property on 201 William Street. Mariner said the structure, described as a… Read more »

Registration open for 2018 Paint Berlin event

By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (Aug. 16, 2018) As of late last week, 15 of 50 slots remained for the 2018 Paint Berlin plein air event, the ninth annual competition presented by the Worcester County Arts Council. This year’s event is scheduled Sept. 19-22, and will culminate in a “wet paint” sale and exhibition on Saturday,… Read more »

OP anniversary time capsule apparently was lost in time

By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (Aug. 16, 2018) There was good news and bad news about a time capsule buried in Ocean Pines 30 years ago, according Jenny Cropper-Rines, chairwoman of the association’s 50th anniversary committee. “The good news is, we do know where all the power lines and utilities are in the area of the… Read more »

Election results validated during OPA annual meeting

By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (Aug. 16, 2018) Ocean Pines election results unveiled last Friday showed Steve Tuttle and Frank Daly had each earned three-year terms on the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors. Also elected were Ted Moroney and Esther Diller, each to one-year terms. Tuttle was the leading vote-getter, with 2,322, and Daly finished… Read more »

Deep discounts at Summer Sidewalk Sale

By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (Aug. 9, 2018) Berlin’s oldest event doesn’t have anything to do with peaches, bathtubs or fiddlers, but rather its’ the sidewalks themselves. The annual Berlin Summer Sidewalk Sale, according to organizer Steve Frene, turns 64 this year. “There aren’t many things older than me, but this is one of them!” Frene… Read more »

Golden Tilefish, if you can find it, is golden

2 cuisine

By Paul Suplee, MBA, CEC, PC-3 Ah, the White Marlin Open is here. And, for the first time since 2012, I’m not working this ravenous party of anglers, revelers and spectators, but rather fishing. By the time you read this, we will have one more day of throwing in the lines and, with any luck,… Read more »

Ocean Pines Association briefs

By Josh Davis, Associate Editor (Aug. 9, 2018) The Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors discussed the following items during a public meeting in the community center on July 27: Honoring Jacobs and Herrick Association President Doug Parks recognized two directors, Cheryl Jacobs and Tom Herrick, during what was likely their last meeting. Both were… Read more »

Gazette Editorial: Little League success a credit to community

Here they go again, those Berlin Little Leaguers, who have managed to prove once again that small town teams can play some pretty good baseball. Even though Little League boundaries are governed by population — no league boundary can have a population greater than 20,000 to maintain parity between leagues — the resources within these… Read more »