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Committee split on alcohol permit for other OPA pool

(May 25, 2017) Members of Ocean Pines’ Clubs Advisory Committee were roughly split last week on whether the association should pursue a liquor license for the Swim and Racquet Club pool on Seabreeze Road. Committee member Gary Miller, during a meeting last Thursday, said the license was being pursued as an “appeasement for adults” when… Read more »

Truck ban on Baker reconfirmed

(May 25, 2017) The Berlin Mayor and Council, for the second time, passed a truck ban on Baker Street following a public hearing. This was done on May 8 and again on May 22, last Monday. Town Attorney David Gaskill explained. “We actually had a public hearing on this resolution and it was passed at… Read more »

Cruisers pay tribute to fmr. judge Michael L. Heishman

(May 25, 2017) Organizers of Saturday’s spring Berlin Cruisers paid tribute to former event judge Michael L. Heishman by creating a new Judge’s Choice Award in his honor and surprising his widow, Vickie. Heishman lost his battle with cancer earlier this year. Bill Hoshal, an event organizer, said Heishman was also a regular participant during… Read more »

Mayor and others protest beer sales at Shore Spirits

(May 25, 2017) The Board of License Commissioners took the unusual step last week of leaving an issue unresolved and suspending proceedings until the three board members could review the presented evidence. License Commissioners’ attorney Tom Coates said it was a rare, but not unprecedented occurrence, and that it’s been at least a decade since… Read more »

‘Dynamic duo’ honored by area NABVETS chapter, Sat.

(May 25, 2017) Army Sgt. Majs. Glen Franklin and Tracy Miller, siblings born in Berlin, were honored during the National Association for Black Veterans Chapter #0093’s third annual Armed Forces Day program on Saturday at Buckingham Elementary in Berlin. During his opening remarks, NABVETS Walk Through The Valley Chapter Commander James Briddell Sr. said he… Read more »

Petition drive to close golf course in Pocomoke City

(May 25, 2017) Conflicting perspectives about the future of Winters Quarters Golf Course were presented during the Pocomoke City Council meeting on Monday. Duane Durham, who resides in the Winter Quarters neighborhood, has spearheaded a petition drive seeking to close the course. Despite revamped marketing efforts, from his view there doesn’t appear to be an… Read more »

Surveillance tied to employee resignations

(May 25, 2017) The resignation of Ocean Pines Chief Financial Officer Mary Bosack last week is tied to the recent departure of several other senior employees who have alleged poor working conditions, according to several sources close to the association and the board. A special meeting was apparently called last Friday when the directors learned… Read more »

Harrison Avenue barricades come down in Berlin

(May 25, 2017) The debate between the Town of Berlin and the Adkins Company over the use of Harrison Avenue and Baker Street took a surprising turn this week, as turn-of-the century documents show that the town might have a legal right-of-way claim to Harrison Avenue, including the portion the Adkins Company says it owns…. Read more »

Committee could pursue additional reforms next year

(May 18, 2017) The Ocean Pines Association Election Committee might have had a difficult time getting election reforms passed by the board of directors this session, but it got almost everything it recommended.  During a meeting on Friday, committee Chairman Steve Tuttle said about 98 percent of the committee recommendations were approved. The board did… Read more »

Trendic: Procedures were not followed

(May 18, 2017) Ocean Pines Association Director Slobodan Trendic says he was kept out of the loop of election news last week and he isn’t happy about it.  Trendic, the board secretary and the liaison to the elections committee, said during a committee meeting last Friday that he was due to receive a list of… Read more »