(Nov. 3, 2016) Worcester County GOLD is inviting golf enthusiasts to participate in the second annual GOLD on the Green golf tournament, held on Saturday, Nov. 5, at Ocean City Golf Club’s Newport Bay Course. It will once again be a scramble format. Registration is scheduled to begin at 8 a.m., with shotgun start at… Read more »
Cannery Village essentially ‘done and done and done’
(Nov. 3, 2016) Inspections for the residential complex Cannery Village in Berlin appear to be close to complete as of Tuesday this week, and damages to streets associated with construction there have been finished, according to town officials. The road getting to this point had its own share of bumps and cracks, both literally and… Read more »
Theater to present evening of opera to support shelter
(Nov. 3, 2016) There are just the two homeless shelters in Worcester County, Diakonia at the north end in West Ocean City, and Samaritan Shelter in Pocomoke City to the south, and each are supported largely through donations and government grants. This weekend, the spotlight shifts to the south, where one Pocomoke City organization is… Read more »
Snow Hill audit report delivered; shows town shrank
(Nov. 3, 2016) Though the report isn’t expected to be discussed publicly until December, because the next council meeting would fall on Election Day and is delayed until next month, copies of the 2016 town budget audit by Salisbury firm Pigg, Krahl and Stern are available at Town Hall. According to the report, the town’s… Read more »
Five new foals, naming opportunities
(Nov. 3, 2016) The four of five foals born to Assateague horses this year need a bit of help, in that little N2BHS-O, N2BHS-AO, N2BHS-AIO and N10T-JO require more suitable, as in pronounceable, names. The exception, N6BMT-FO’s naming rights, was raffled off, with ticket sales ending on Halloween. The raffle was drawn on Tuesday and… Read more »
Special session called to address Pines FY18 budget
(Nov. 3, 2016) With no regular meeting scheduled this month and work on the next fiscal-year budget already underway, the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors called a special session for Monday, Nov. 14 at 2 p.m. in the Community Center to review progress in several areas. On Oct. 22, the directors passed a limited… Read more »
Major Pines fire leaves four in limbo
(Nov. 3, 2016) One of the largest fires in recent years destroyed a home in Ocean Pines last week, leaving four residents in their early 20s displaced and in a state of shock. Out of those ashes, however, a community has come together to support them. According to Ocean Pines Fire Department Chief Steve Grunewald,… Read more »
When weather turns cold, turn to soup
I paddled three times last week, once in an outrigger and twice on an ocean board. I left my house yesterday morning in a T-shirt, only to wish that I could work in shorts and flip-flops, it was so warm. It was almost as though we were being spoiled by the weather gods as we… Read more »
Stephen Decatur High students earn special distinctions
(Oct. 27, 2016) Twenty-nine Stephen Decatur High School Advanced Placement students earned special College Board distinctions following the 2015-2016 school year including one student who earned national recognition. The College Board AP Program recognizes high school students who have demonstrated outstanding college-level achievement through AP courses and exams. The four distinctions include: AP Scholar (granted… Read more »
Women Supporting Women walk in Pocomoke
(Oct. 27, 2016) About seven years ago Josh Nordstrom of Midway Automotive Group was shopping around for a charity to support and to organize an event around in Pocomoke City. “We didn’t do stuff like that before I got here. I was at a business after hours when I met the Women Supporting Women team,”… Read more »