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Knit shop owner offers splash of color to benches

(July 7, 2016) Coinciding with the town’s first fireworks display, another blast of color came to the downtown last week as local yarn shop A Little Bit Sheepish helped to create a new “yarn benching” initiative. A play on the popular “yarn-bombing” movement, the benching saw more than a dozen benches wrapped in hand-knitted covers… Read more »

Local officials continue push for Triton project at Wallops

(July 7, 2016) Following favorable endorsements from Gov. Larry Hogan and Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the Delmarva gubernatorial trifecta in support of Wallops Island as the forward operating base for the MQ-4C Triton unmanned aircraft was joined by Delaware Gov. Jack Markell. In addition, Maryland Congressman and Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer voiced his support in… Read more »

County recognizes Carman for efforts to prevent diabetes

(July 7, 2016) Snow Hill Volunteer Fire Company Second Assistant Chief Eddie Carman has gotten off the path to diabetes and is now working to steer others onto a healthy road. For that matter, you have probably seen him in the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s “Diabetes Prevention Program” television commercial. “After taking… Read more »

Line upgrade options under review

(July 7, 2016) Though the public comment portion of the process finished Wednesday, Public Service Commission officials confirmed comments might still be considered, at the judge’s discretion, before rendering a ruling on Delmarva Power’s request to upgrade its lines on the lower Eastern Shore. The company is seeking, as part of routine upgrades to it6s… Read more »

Snow Hill Fire Co. to benefit from canoe joust, Saturday

(July 7, 2016) At this point, the only way to compete in the annual canoe joust benefitting the Snow Hill Volunteer Fire Company is to show up at Sturgis Park at 9 a.m. this Saturday and register. The cost is $75 per three-person team. Early bird pricing, offering a $10 discount, ended Wednesday. Children are… Read more »

Retiring Wor. employees recognized

(July 7, 2016) Decades of job dedication that left an indelible mark on coworkers and cohorts were celebrated as the Worcester County Commissioners awarded commendations to nine retiring county employees during their June 21 meeting. First on the list was John “Sonny” Bloxom, who retired as county attorney last year after serving in the position… Read more »

Commissioners deny solar tax abatement

(July 7, 2016) Following the Worcester County Commissioners’ decision to table the discussion at its June 21 meeting over a requested tax abatement to support the development of solar facilities in Worcester, the commissioners rejected the proposal on Tuesday. Longview Solar, a joint venture between Seattle-based Tuusso Energy, a utility-scale solar developer, and Elemental Energy,… Read more »

Atlantic General to offer free seminars in July, Aug. in OP

(July 7, 2016) The Ocean Pines Recreation and Parks Department and Atlantic General Hospital will offer two free informational health seminars to the public this summer at the Ocean Pines Community Center, located at 235 Ocean Parkway in Ocean Pines. On Wednesday, July 13 from 5:30-6:30 p.m., Dr. Sara Moghaddam, a dermatologist at Atlantic General… Read more »

Orris files for Berlin District 2 seat

(July 7, 2016) Berlin has its first official council race, as 34-year-old Jack L. Orris Jr. became the second person to file for the District 2 seat last week. Zackery Tyndall, a 26-year-old Berlin native, also filed for District 2 last month. Current District 2 Councilmember Lisa Hall is running for mayor. Orris grew up… Read more »

Repaving project to begin, end next week in Snow Hill

(July 7, 2016) As part of a project paid for by a combination of state and local funding, three Snow Hill streets are being resurfaced and are expected to be completed by the end of next week. For much of the last week, the portion of Federal Street that runs between Collins and Church Streets… Read more »