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Ocean Pines joins the ‘Buy Local’ revolution

OCEAN PINES — Mariners’ Country Down carries with it a bit of local legend and a significant amount of local history. And this summer it will be one of the places from which the produce comes for the Ocean Pines Farmers Market, which opens next weekend in White Horse Park. Christine McDowell, who will be… Read more »

Town mulls benefits of enacting contractor fee

BERLIN — The Berlin Mayor and Council this week took up the issue of whether out-of-town contractors should pay a fee before they can perform work in the Town and, if so, how high the fee should be and how the rates should be structured. Although in-town businesses are required to have a business license… Read more »

O'Hare seeks board position

OCEAN PINES — Sharyn O’Hare has been tempted to run for the OPA board of directors more than a few times since the association was founded. Generally she’s shied away for either business or personal reasons but as the board and the association generally enter what could be a very critical period, O’Hare decided that… Read more »

Berlin goes higher tech

BERLIN — Generally last-minute, un-budgeted expenditures don’t get very good popular reviews, but the Town Council’s decision to tap into a small portion this year’s funds to bring Wi-Fi to the Downtown will likely do little to raise public ire. At the end of last year’s budget debate, Councilwoman Lisa Hall suggested adding funding for… Read more »

BFC asks for level funding

BERLIN — With the presentation of the proposed Berlin Fire Company budget by David Fitzgerald, President of the Berlin Fire Company, the Town of Berlin is prepared to adopt its $13.5 million fiscal 2013 budget after a public hearing May 29. Fitzgerald told the Mayor and Council that, at their request, the Company was able… Read more »

Atlantic Physical Therapy puts recovery first

BERLIN — There are two essential parts to rehabilitation: having the initial therapy and strengthening the afflicted area to prevent relapse and improve overall health. The difficulty for many patients is that after insurance pays for the therapy, the insured is often left to their own devices for the continued, if necessary work. The disconnect… Read more »

Jazz and Blues Bash beats rain odds

BERLIN — The weather never made good on its threat this weekend and the Berlin Jazz and Blues Festival continued throughout the day uninterrupted. Crowds were slow to materialize as many people were waiting to see what the weather was going to be but by the end of the day, officials estimate that around 2,500… Read more »

2nd Friday Art Stroll features wine and music

BERLIN — Over the next two months Berlin will begin its transformation into the unofficial wine capitol of the Eastern Shore. It is fitting then that on the occasion of the 2nd Friday Art Stroll, the first of several shops offering upscale wines will have its major coming out party. Robin Tomaselli and her sister… Read more »

Johnny Cash tribute to play West Ocean City

WEST OCEAN CITY —  Tom Cavanagh and his band threw in the occasional Johnny Cash song as part of their own original shows for years and their renditions were popular with the crowds because they were spot-on. Eventually they began to discuss doing a tribute show and tour. For his part, Cavanagh already had more… Read more »

George’s Mixes starts in Berlin and goes regional

BERLIN — In 1996, while working at the Middleton Tavern in Annapolis, Greg David decided he wanted to make a distinctive Bloody Mary and began developing a formula that would set his apart. Although it was almost an immediate success, the concoction David was serving was only very good. He wanted it to be excellent…. Read more »