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Letter to the Editor

OPbook sale big success


Last weekend was the largest event that is held at Ocean Pines Library every year.

The volunteer organization “Friends of the Ocean Pines Library” prepares a book sale that encompasses over 20,000 books, DVDs, audio books and music CDs divided into approximately 25 categories.

They are sold for 50 cents to $2 over a three-day period, with all proceeds going to benefit the Ocean Pines library and is used for buying equipment, sponsoring programs offered at the library and supplement the budget provided by the Worcester County Commissioners.

This year was the 20th Annual Book Sale and was put together by nearly 80 volunteers,* donating more than 500 hours to make this sale possible.

Throughout the year, people donate 95 percent of the books, DVDs and CDs that are sorted, evaluated and categorized for the sale. This year’s sale was the largest ever with about 1,300 people attending and garnered approximately $14,000.

On behalf of the FOPL and the Ocean Pines Library, we would like to thank all those who donated books throughout the year, the volunteers who assist with the library every day and at the sale, the staff of the OP library, who are so gracious with our activities and to all of you who came out to support the sale that benefits the library, its programs and everyday needs for reading, copies and information.

Donations will again be accepted starting Aug. 2. Hope to see you all next year.

Eileen Leonhart and
Jim Meckley
Book Sale Co-Chairs
Ocean Pines