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Letter to the Editor

Pines board needs to put attention on canals’ health


Because we allow our residents to fertilize their lawns and blow grass into the canals we are destroying our waterways.

This spring algae blooms have been worse than ever. We should be able to see to be the bottom and see grasses growing but all we have is muck from the dead algae.

Phosphorus and nitrates are killing everything. We need to stop this before it’s too late if it isn’t already. Pass a bylaw or something restricting use and if caught it’s a fine of $500. Hit them where it hit hurts.

The same with trees. There is a big tree service cutting  down extra trees without permission and acting like they are playing nice but they are not doing what they are supposed to and no one is checking on them. We came here to be on the water and it is so unhealthy in our canals. The board has a responsibility to clean them up you don’t seem to care. Please consider taking action before it’s too late.

Karen Baldwin
Ocean Pines