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Letter To The Editor: Logging awareness needed throughout Worcester County

Logging awareness needed throughout Worcester County


I am writing to bring awareness to an issue that affects us all. The Maryland Forest Service, a division of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, has released the draft of their 2025 annual work plan. This plan tells what forests in our area are going to be logged for timber.

I am the Reporter for the Worcester County 4-H club the Nature Adventurers. Recently, members of our club visited and hiked tract P06-25-S-05 part of the Blue Bike trail. The trail is located just South of Pocomoke State Park and is accessed from 113 South. This 45 plus acre tract is supposed to be logged. Many of us have grown up camping, hiking and biking in these woods. We do not want this beautiful trail to be logged. There are many species that will lose their homes if this plan is not stopped.

I personally have gone birding in these woods and there are many different birds that depend on this forest. I know many experts have already contacted the Forest service about this tract and I hope their knowledge is listened too. Our future depends on conserving lands and ecosystems like this one.

For more information about the fight to stop this tract from being logged, search and join the group on Facebook called, “Friends of Maryland Forests.” Or go to the website

Also please consider writing to express your support for not logging this tract at this address: Forest Service, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, 580 Taylor Ave., E-1, Annapolis, MD 21401.

Ewan Betz