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OPA Board needs to regain control

Why is the Ocean Pines Board
permitting its governing and fiscal authority to be usurped?  Why has the General Manager been
allowed to make change orders beyond his authority?  Why, after making such changes, has his authority been
raised from $15,000 to $40,000? Why is he being allowed to change
community-approved plans for the appearance of the new Yacht Club?  Who’s in charge here? What happened to
promises to make the Board more responsive and responsible?

The Board must answer these
questions and take back control of the operation of Ocean Pines. Board members
must be fiscally responsible leaders and decision makers while abiding by all
the governing documents for the operation of a home owners association provided
by the Maryland Homeowners Association Act and Ocean Pines.  The hired General Manager should not be
making determinations on spending beyond those necessary for the everyday
running of the community. This isn’t River City but we have our own Professor
Harold Hill selling us a band with seventy-six trombones.

Gloria Moyer

Ocean Pines