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Vote ‘For’ Question A

Worcester County’s Question A on the ballot in next Tuesday’s election is a broadly worded, vague and confusing mess. The vigorous arguments for and against Question A so befuddle the issue that voters may not realize what this referendum actually says and the unintended consequences that could ensue if it does not pass. Prospective voters… Read more »

Directors move wisely in vote count review

The Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors took the common-sense approach last week when they decided to table the discussion of ordering a forensic audit of August’s election results, even though the final tabulation was inaccurate. Instead, the board directed its newly appointed Elections Committee to gather as much information as it can and then… Read more »

Community matters put in perspective by loss

The Bayside Gazette and its sister paper, Ocean City Today, mourn the passing this week of one of its shareholders, Hale Harrison, who suffered a fatal heart attack Monday. Although this space is usually devoted to commentary regarding events, issues and circumstances specific to Ocean Pines or Berlin, the departure of this irreplaceable part of… Read more »

Committee members fall victim to bad info

The members of Ocean Pines Association’s Election Committee didn’t have to resign last week, and as far as is publicly known, no one expected them to  after the board of directors and some of the candidates in the summer’s election realized that the vote totals didn’t add up. How it turned out that more votes… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Supporting sportsplex  and one voter’s reasons Editor, I am writing to express my support, and encourage others, in voting yes to question A for the proposed sports complex in Worcester County. A number of years ago, I was involved in amateur soccer organizations. First in the Baltimore metro area, and then statewide in Maryland, and… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Urging voters look at sportsplex deal Editor, We have all heard the expression, “the devil is in the details.” Now and until Nov. 8, Worcester County residents are going to be asked a ballot question. Question A will appear on the Nov. 8 ballot as well as the mail-in ballots people are starting to receive…. Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Sports complex vote yays and nays Editor, Worcester County voters who have requested mail-in ballots may start to receive them any day. I encourage all those voting by mail, as well as those voting in person and by absentee ballot to vote against Question A. Vote against: The use of public funds for the construction… Read more »