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Letter to the Editor

Remove personal beliefs from funding Editor, (The following was addressed to the Worcester County Commissioners.) First, I’d like to congratulate the commissioners in favor of last year’s MOE vote for starting a grassroots movement right here in our beautiful county. Your votes have galvanized a large group of Worcester County voters under a great cause…. Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Sports complex process concerning Editor, For the record, I am not opposed to a Sports Complex. However, I am opposed to the use of public funds to build, operate and subsidize one. In Economic Analysis for a Proposed New Outdoor Sports Field Complex in Worcester County, Maryland issued in August, 2017 by Crossroads Consulting Services,… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Bare minimum does not work in schools Editor, I am a teacher at Stephen Decatur Middle School. I currently live in Berlin, but I am not originally from this area. I moved here after college to live and teach in Worcester County because of the school system’s prestigious reputation. Being new to the area, I… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Where’s proof on whale death claim? Editor, Last week, Ocean City’s mayor sent out a social media post stating misinformation in strong opposition to the position of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). There are many in the offshore wind opposition community that don’t believe in science. Since the mayor of Maryland’s premiere resort… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Pines board needs to put attention on canals’ health Editor, Because we allow our residents to fertilize their lawns and blow grass into the canals we are destroying our waterways. This spring algae blooms have been worse than ever. We should be able to see to be the bottom and see grasses growing but all we… Read more »

Clear process needed for community center

Considering that it has been at least six years since the Town of Berlin floated the idea of replacing the old multi-purpose building on Flower Street with a community center, the critical question these days is when the talking will end and the doing begins. Time is money, as they say, and the longer it… Read more »

Make no assumptions about Rt. 113 bridge

The only bridge that will be built with the million-dollar grant to the Town of Berlin to solve the problem of access from one side of Route 113 to the other is the bridge to hope — hope that something will be done to show there is a genuine interest in connecting two communities that… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Planning commission should support comprehensive plan Editor, I attended the April 4 planning commission meeting in Snow Hill because a text amendment was being introduced to allow farm-based slaughterhouses to be used in A-1 zoned land, 400 feet from residential homes (Text Amendment ZS 1-201 (c)(34) – Farm-based Slaughterhouses in the A-1 Agricultural District). I… Read more »