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No longer taking our freedom for granted

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Our current stay-at-home circumstances, along with the other government restrictions on public movement, are as close to martial law as most of us ever hope to see. All that is missing from the current scene is the military patrolling the streets to ensure compliance with the various executive orders that have been issued to stem… Read more »

We’ll get through this

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Some of us are working from home, some of us are working at our offices and job sites, and some of us aren’t working at all. Such is the new abnormal in a world turned outside-in by the spread of the novel corona virus. As of early Wednesday morning, no cases of COVID-19, as the… Read more »

Perception matters more than legality

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Legal or not, a board of directors that unanimously consents to vote via email on a particular action, and then votes unanimously to take that action risks running afoul of the Elvis provision of politics. That would be, considering the propensity of the public to think the worst of an otherwise harmless circumstance, the “Suspicious… Read more »

Fiscal controls vital to new reserve account

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Ocean Pines officials are absolutely right when they insist that parameters be set on how the money in the new capital reserve fund may be used. If one thing has been proven in Ocean Pines year after controversial year, it’s that people are inclined to believe all sorts of things, regardless of the truth of… Read more »

Art of pARTy delivered bargain on great food

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For the money, last Friday’s Art of the pARTy fundraiser at the Atlantic Hotel in Berlin had to be one of the best deals around for area foodies. Had another $20 been added to the ticket price of $49 and change, that still would have been a decent price for a 12-station buffet that featured… Read more »

Support PIA update

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Lisa Kershner, the state’s public access ombudsman, and Maryland Public Information Act Compliance Board Chairman John “Butch” West, issued a joint statement last week declaring their support for legislation that would strengthen the state’s public information law. Since the law was instituted 50 years ago, most government documents have been available for inspection by any… Read more »

Spray irrigation all about land, money

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Of the many questions regarding the application of wastewater spray irrigation for Ocean Pines or any other area, the least critical is whether public health will be adversely affected. Strict environmental regulation and monitoring of effluent used in spray irrigation have eliminated the public health concern, as has been evidenced all across the Eastern Shore…. Read more »

OPA members invited to aid budget process

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Not only will members of the Ocean Pines Association have their first opportunity to learn about the new budget at next Wednesday’s board of directors session, they have been encouraged to attend and find out more about it. The budget process doesn’t get any more open than that, and kudos go to board President Doug… Read more »

Fill out census forms, get your money back

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The importance of the decennial headcount conducted by the Census Bureau can’t be overestimated, considering that each uncounted person is worth, theoretically, $18,000 per decade ($1,800 per year) in state and federal grants. That would mean, using rate of participation data provided by the Census Bureau to the Maryland Department of Planning, that Worcester County… Read more »

Berlin walks fine edge on short-term rentals

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Short-term rentals have become a long-term headache for elected officials across the country, as they weigh the interests of their constituents in residential neighborhoods and the property rights of vacation rental investors. The absence of irrefutable arguments on either side of the debate has resulted a situation so complex that no one has produced a… Read more »