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Letter To The Editor: Community support for cause saluted

Community support for cause saluted Editor, A community is not just defined by its geographic proximity; it is defined by its willingness to work together for the betterment of the whole. This past spring, I had the wonderful opportunity to witness the compassion of our community during a Stephen Decatur High School sponsored beach supply… Read more »

06/06/2024 Bayside Gazette Editorial

Appearances can be as important as money It’s not a matter of whether the Berlin mayor and council want to sell Parcel 57 on the Heron Park tract, that’s been established. At issue is how town officials want to sell it and how many strings they want to attach to its development. The latter will… Read more »

Letter To The Editor

Decision makers hurting our county Editor, Residents should know that the Worcester County Commissioners are being incredibly short-sighted and setting up our schools for future failures if they continue down this path of politicizing education in our county. It isn’t (just) that Worcester County teachers are paid the lowest in the state(, or that our… Read more »

5/30/2024 Bayside Gazette Editorial

OPA board needs no membership shakeup Despite the ideas, goals, observations and the merits of the challengers in the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors election this year, it’s difficult to find a real need for change in the membership of the community’s ruling authority. The absence of drama on the board and the relative… Read more »

Letter To The Editor

Dumbfounded over MDE messaging Editor, Have you ever read something that just made your jaw drop at the sheer idiocy of the writer? Loaded question, I know – I’m sure there are quite a few readers who believe that about my writing.  However, I am utterly confident that I and others who are opposed to offshore… Read more »

Letter To The Editor

Is flip-flop in summer season really a surprise? Editor, Last week a county commissioner switched up their vote. People were surprised and disappointed. Apologies were rendered. Why? Isn’t this the time of year for flip-flops. James Hughlett Berlin

Letter To The Editor

Commissioners need to reconsider Editor, (The following was sent as an open letter to Worcester County Commissioners.) As a Worcester County Public School graduate who now is a parent of two children in Worcester County Schools, I am very invested in the future of our school district. I wish some of our County Commissioners could… Read more »

5/23/2024 Bayside Editorial

Microsoft Word - BG Editorial 05.23.24.docx

Barbecues, boating, time for reflection For most people, Memorial Day marks the beginning of the traditional summer season, when outdoor recreation opens up for people looking to exchange their indoor confines for some time on the beach, on the water or on their way to a vacation destination. This is when backyard grilling gets underway… Read more »