(Feb. 16, 2017) Stormwater improvements on Flower Street in Berlin are in still in progress and more road closures could be coming, according to Town Administrator Laura Allen. “We’re in what we consider to be a transition period toward the end of the project where we’re wrapping a few details up,” Allen said. The construction… Read more »
A&E Committee will again receive funding from town
(Feb. 16, 2017) Town of Berlin funding will be restored to the Berlin Arts & Entertainment Committee, ending a nearly three-year dry spell. The committee had operated during that span using public donations and self-funding, as well as in-kind services from the town. Before that, former Economic and Community Development Director Michael Day had earmarked… Read more »
Funding approved for new restrooms at Dr. Henry Park
(Feb. 16, 2017) The Berlin Town Council, during a meeting on Monday, unanimously approved new permanent bathrooms for Dr. William Henry Park. The town will pay $119,885 to winning bidder Green Flush Technologies for the prefabricated outdoor restroom building. Administrative Services Director Mary Bohlen said the majority of funding for the project, about $96,000, would… Read more »
Monna Van Ess to challenge Trotter in Pocomoke Dist. 3
(Feb. 16, 2017) Since her retirement as Pocomoke City’s finance coordinator in 2013, Monna Van Ess has been a fixture at council meetings. Now, she has decided to attempt to transition from the gallery to the dais as she seeks election to the District 3 seat, currently held by Dale Trotter. “I think I can… Read more »
Pickleball clashes with Pines board over gym-use fees
(Feb. 16, 2017) Assertions that Ocean Pines is considering running the community center gym as a profit center are completely unrealistic, according to Board President Tom Herrick. Pickleball players that use the gym, however, are not convinced that is true, and drop-in rates were set last week for that group, which previously did not have… Read more »
WCAC to present free grant-writing workshop, Feb. 25
(Feb. 16, 2017) The Worcester County Arts Council will conduct a free grant-writing workshop for representatives of local, nonprofit organizations that are seeking funding support from the council for arts-related projects and activities. All new and returning grant applicants, as well as new grant writers, are required to attend the workshop on Saturday, Feb…. Read more »
Pocomoke Council adopts solar change to zoning code
(Feb. 16, 2017) Prices keep falling as alternative energy-system usage keeps rising, and the Pocomoke City Council made changes to its code to make the transition even easier, following a public hearing on the matter last Monday. The change was no trivial matter, as at least 10 sections of the city zoning code were altered… Read more »
Berlin Briefs
(Feb. 16, 2017) The Berlin Mayor and Council discussed the following items during a meeting at town hall on Monday, Feb. 13. Maryland’s Healthiest Biz Kathy Wool, dietician for the Worcester County Health Department, spoke to the mayor and council about the statewide Maryland’s Healthiest Business initiative. The program promotes employee wellness. “It’s a great… Read more »
OPA Briefs
(Feb. 16, 2017) The Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors discussed the following items during a budget meeting in the administration building on Feb. 10. New auditor The board voted unanimously to hire SC&H Group as Ocean Pines’ new auditing firm. The company is based in the unincorporated community of Sparks, Maryland. Interim General Manager… Read more »
Berlin moving closer to new commercial design standards
(Feb. 16, 2017) Progress continues towards new commercial design standards in Berlin. Planning Director Dave Engelhart said the Berlin Planning Commission spent its most recent meeting, last Wednesday, going over the county design standards document and working to apply it to the town. A January commission meeting was devoted to the same subject. “We’re getting… Read more »