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Berlin family takes ‘journey into unknown’

(April 9, 2015) Berlin native Trisha Brown Gudeman is about to embark on a journey into the unknown. Gudeman and her family – her husband, Andy, and their two young children – are set to take on a full-time role with Missionary Maintenance Services Aviation this summer. MMS provides aircraft maintenance apprenticeship for people involved… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

  Response to Clarke statements   Editor, I’m writing to set the record straight with regard to OPA Board Member Marty Clarke’s statements, which appeared in the Golf article by Josh Davis in the March 12, 2015 edition of the Bayside Gazette. My delay in responding is due to my only recently seeing the article,… Read more »

Ocean Pines to host spring flea market this Saturday

(April 9, 2015)  Ocean Pines’ annual Indoor/Outdoor Flea Market will take place on Saturday, April 11 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Ocean Pines Community Center. Gently used clothing, children’s items, household items, collectibles and other items will be for sale. Ocean Pines Farmers Market will be open, featuring fresh produce, baked goods, meats… Read more »

Paint Snow Hill returns for 12th year, April 16-19

(April 9, 2015) For the 12th year, Snow Hill will be hosting plein air artists from throughout the Mid-Atlantic, April 16-19. Again this year, 70 artists will be participating in the “paint out.” Ann Coates, organizer of the event, is pleased to have 20 registered artists who are featured in the recently published100 Plein Painters… Read more »

Bunting, Bertino, to host town hall meeting, April 21

(April 9, 2015) Worcester County Commissioners Jim Bunting and Chip Bertino invite area residents to join them for a town hall meeting Tuesday, April 21 at 6:30 p.m. at the Ocean Pines Branch Library. Chief Administrative Officer Harold Higgins will give a presentation on the current draft of the 2015-16 county budget. As it now… Read more »

Three OP studies to shape future

(April 2, 2015) Three simultaneous studies are underway, or soon will be, in Ocean Pines, with each playing a major role in the future of the community. The Ocean Pines Association board of directors last Saturday provided an update on a capital improvement plan [CIP] and reserve study, and voted on a comprehensive plan. First,… Read more »

Administrator Volk resigns from Berlin Chamber

(April 2, 2015) Berlin Chamber of Commerce Administrator Jim Volk announced his resignation this week. Volk, who took over the position on Nov. 3, is expected to stay on for the next two-to-three weeks, likely through the middle part of April. A Realtor at Hileman Real Estate in Ocean City, Volk said his decision was… Read more »

Easter activities planned in Berlin, Ocean Pines and OC

(April 2, 2015) There are plenty of Easter activities for the whole family to enjoy this weekend from an abundance of Easter egg hunts to sunrise services. Here are a few of the events taking place: OCEAN PINES: The Ocean Pines Recreation and Parks Department will present its annual Easter and Spring Celebration Saturday, April… Read more »

Local Seder meals honors Jewish tradition of Passover

(April 2, 2015) Passover, a holiday with roots in the Exodus from Egypt led by Moses, is a two-day celebration beginning tonight with the Seder meal and continuing tomorrow, where observations can differ somewhat. “It’s one holiday all Jews observe in some way,” Rabbi Susan Warshaw of Temple Bat Yam said. “It [brings] people together… Read more »

Community mourns loss of Ocean Pines Olympian Brey

(April 2, 2015) Former Ocean Pines resident Betty Brey, 84, passed away in Florida on Saturday, March 21. In 1948, at age 15, Brey, then Betty Mullen, qualified for the U.S. Olympic swimming trials. Eight years later she went on to compete in the 1956 Olympic games in Melbourne. Brey once held the world record… Read more »