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Colleges teaching the wrong lessons

Editor, We raised our children for 18 years; instilling in them a sense of responsibility, morals, industriousness, charity, kindness, and love for this country. Then they are off to college. They come home with those character traits that you, as a parent, worked so hard to inculcate in them – greatly distorted. Parents are finding… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

High expectations for Pines Board Editor, With the recent resignation of Brett Hill and the appointment of Ted Moroney as his replacement, the lot owners of Ocean Pines can, and should, look forward to a year of progress under a new board majority and leadership. From a personal standpoint, I would like to thank Doug… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Editor, I write this letter with some hesitation. My involvement in OPA administration ended in August of 2016 and I do not wish to dwell on assessing every action taken since then.   What I want to do is to insure the Members of the OPA remember where the organization has been, where it is… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Anxieties of back to school Editor, Transitions are stressful for everyone. Single to married, renter to homeowner, employed to unemployed, working to retired (or any of those in reverse order). But for young people, because they do not have the long-term perspective of adults, and because the areas in their brains that control impulsive behavior… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Thank you to the voters Editor, I am writing to express my appreciation to the OP community for the support I received from you during my campaign, and for electing me to your Board of Directors. I am grateful for the words of advice and counsel I received during the campaign from homeowners and from… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Incident with Horn was misreported Editor, In response to the story on Dr. Colette Horn where she had been threatened by me, [it] is not true. I approached Dr. Horn in a very pleasant manner at the South Gate restaurant. First, she was alone at the bar, not eating her dinner. I told her she… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Somerset Economic Impact Scholarship Editor, It’s always good to see how quickly government can work for our people. One of my initiatives for the 2017 Maryland General Assembly session was to procure monies to begin the Somerset Economic Impact Scholarship program, the goal of which is to make a Wor-Wic Community College education more affordable… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

‘Doug Parks and the current mess’ Editor, The candidate forum on July 22 provided those in attendance, and those watching at home, something that has been missing – a ray of hope out of the political mess created by the ongoing feud between Directors Slobodan Trendic and Brett Hill. Director Doug Parks, the only Board… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Crisis in OPA governance Editor, I am writing in response to your 7/13/17 article Politically bloody Sunday in Pines. The two topics on the agenda for the “bloody Sunday” meeting illustrate that there is a crisis in our HOA management and governance. The other clear sign of crisis is the unprecedented number of “emergency” and… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Oasis reversal is age discrimination This is an open letter to the Board of Directors of Ocean Pines Directors,  First, I thank you for the time and effort you give to this community. I am sure it is very frustrating at times. I am addressing the current topic of the Yacht Club pool converting to… Read more »