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Letters to the Editor

Marina, YC workers aided in rescue The following letter was sent to the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors and the Bayside Gazette Editor, It is with great joy, happiness and pleasure that I address all the directors of the yacht club and marina with the following circumstances occurring on July 1, 2017 at about… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Ocean Pines looking like D.C. Editor, So here we are. We have leadership who have been caught in blatant lies and who may have illegally audio-taped employees. Who fired management because they stood in the way of jamming through a technology conversion without competition, even though management oversaw the best year financially in decades. Who… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Questions after Board meeting Editor, Yesterday evening [Monday] I attended a “special” meeting of the Board of Directors of the Ocean Pines Association. I did not know the agenda prior to the meeting and after checking the OP website today, I still do not know the substance of the agenda.   Comments in the brief… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Board needs better oversight Editor, I am writing in response to the article you published on 6/8/17 entitled “GM Hill talks up renovation during packed town hall.” In it you report that our Acting General Manager, Mr. Brett Hill, announced a net-year loss for fiscal year 2017 of approximately $270,000 against budget. You reported him… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Better read the fine print Editor, Notwithstanding outgoing OPA Director [Dave] Stevens’ polemic about how a lot of owner’s applications to run for director of OPA should be passed around from committee to department, to secretary, to another committee, etc. Section 5.02(b) of OPA’s by-laws provides “The Secretary of the Association, not a committee or… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Volunteer for Coastal Hospice Editor, For five years, I have been an active volunteer at the Coastal Hospice Thrift Shop in Berlin and I want to share with the community what a great place this is to volunteer. When I was considering where to spend my volunteer time after I retired, I knew I wanted… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Kiwanis celebrate club’s anniversary Editor, When James Grimm moved to Ocean Pines in 1979, he brought with him the pleasant memory of having belonged to a Kiwanis Club in Baltimore. As he made friends in his new community, he promoted the idea of forming a Kiwanis Club in Ocean Pines. That idea came to fruition… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Open letter to families Within days of its release, the Netflix series “13 Reasons Why” rose to the top of the list of most-watched (and most-tweeted-about) Netflix series. If you are a teenager, you’re aware of the series’ extraordinary popularity among your friends and classmates. If you are a parent, you need to be aware,… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Supporting HR 610, School Choice Act Editor, HR 610, the School Choice Act, will eliminate the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, which was passed as a part of Lyndon B. Johnson’s “War on Poverty.” Federal funds that are now given to schools will be given to parents who choose to enroll their children… Read more »

Letters to the Editor

Families, speak up Editor, Eight months ago, when I was elected to the Board of Directors for the Ocean Pines Association OPA, I answered the call to the largest number of voters who were looking for something different on the board, someone who was part of an unrepresented portion of the population, and someone who… Read more »