At the time this was being written, three days remained before the end-of-the-day Friday filing deadline for the Ocean Pines Board of Directors election, with just one candidate officially on the ballot. Another has informed board officials of his/her intention to file, leaving just two people to pursue one of three seats available. Incumbent Esther… Read more »
Gazette Editorial: How phosphorus could impact Super Bowl LIII
As Eastern Shore farmers attempt to gain more time before they have to abide by the stricter standards the state’s phosphorous management tool would impose this year, most people probably aren’t paying attention. They should be, considering that more than just farmers will be affected if the state goes to the next, more restrictive step… Read more »
Editorial cartoon: Happy New Year!
Editorial Cartoon: Toy Town Town Antiques
Gazette Editorial: ‘Person of the Year’ honors are reminder
Rachel Pacella, formerly of Ocean Pines, and Rick Hutzell, who started his newspaper career in Ocean City, are among those honored by Time magazine this week as its “Person of the Year.” They and the rest of the staff at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis join Jamal Khashoggi, the Washington Post reporter who was murdered… Read more »
Editorial cartoon: holiday books
Editorial Cartoon: Berlin Community Center
Gazette Editorial: Children would benefit from community center
The Berlin Community Improvement Association has two choices: it can improve the community, or it can talk about improving the community. That assessment is about as blunt as County Commissioner Diana Purnell was last week at a community meeting on the future of the failing multipurpose building. At issue was whether the BCIA should accept… Read more »
Gazette Editorial: Let the holiday giving begin with giving back
With its hundreds of nonprofit organizations that can use some assistance, Worcester County should experience a different kind of checks and balances next Tuesday. What it should see is people checking their balances and then sending their checks to a charity or a nonprofit organization whose good works they believe deserve support. Nov. 27 is,… Read more »
John Viola’s frustration was understandable
As an unpaid volunteer, John Viola, Ocean Pines’ chief financial officer, appears to be getting a little weary of trying to explain there’s no such thing as a free lunch, while also fending off crazy accusations about people taking advantage of the system. That would be anyone’s take on Viola’s rant Saturday that covered a… Read more »