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Gazette Editorial: Wild and wonderful Berlin

Something must be in the water in Berlin, although it’s almost certain that town water department would have a handle on that, but almost nowhere do the employees of any business, any government, or any other type of operation voluntarily go before their bosses each year and publicly thank them for their jobs. Neither do… Read more »

Gazette Editorial: OPA too hospitable for Canada geese to resist

The Ocean Pines goose flap that has taken flight since association authorities had the resident flock of 290 Canada geese removed and, presumably, destroyed, reflects the national debate over how to respond to the surge in nonmigratory waterfowl in populated areas. In the past 20 years, according to a University of Nebraska study, the number… Read more »

Gazette Editorial: Thick skin needed to govern Ocean Pines

Just stop it. That’s what the Ocean Pines Board of Directors should do about this latest kerfuffle between Director Slobodan Trendic and Association President Doug Parks, following the resignation of Director Pat Supik. If you can’t take some name-calling, occasional slights, denigrating comments and challenges to one’s real or imagined authority, you’re too sensitive to… Read more »

Gazette Editorial: Congratulations to Election Day winners

Delegate-elect Wayne Hartman, sheriff’s race victor Matt Crisafulli and State’s Attorney-elect Kris Heiser — congratulations on races well run and elections well won. Congratulations also to the Judges of the Orphans’ Court, Linda Hess, Cheryl Jacobs and Mike Diffendal, who will serve on a deliberative panel whose importance often goes unrecognized until the day that… Read more »

Gazette Editorial: Our primary election recommendations

As the final countdown begins for next Tuesday’s primary elections in Worcester County, “balance” is the word voters should consider when they go to mark their ballots. With a couple of exceptions, ideology and personal alliances should have nothing to do with the positions up for election. That said, the ballots next Tuesday will contain… Read more »

Gazette Editorial: More respect needed

Brooks Davis, who owns Wainright’s Tire Center in Berlin, doesn’t want to be the Grinch who stole the town’s many downtown festivals and events. That’s why he more or less threw up his hands and gave up Monday, when he admonished town officials for not keeping its end of a post-event clean-up agreement deal for… Read more »

Gazette Editorial: Outsourcing talk in Pines is premature

The campaign season is in full-swing in Ocean Pines and one of the platforms being touted by some candidates is to outsource administrative management and financials. One candidate also looks to outsource individual department directors as well. Last year, saw a tremendous amount of change, with almost a full sweep of high-level personnel throughout the… Read more »

Gazette Editorial: Town hall was minefield

Going into a question-and-answer session with a hostile agenda, which some members of the audience did at the Ocean Pines town hall meeting last Thursday, is one of those increasingly disagreeable developments of our current democratic circumstance. Why, for instance, would anyone ask a question of the presiding person or group, when he or she… Read more »