Toni Lyn (Berhosky) Atkins Newark Toni Lyn “Jessie” (Berhosky) Atkins, 54, of Newark, Maryland, passed away on Friday, Aug. 19, 2022, after a brief illness, surrounded by family members. She is survived by her loving husband, Tom Atkins; mother, Donna (Berhosky) and stepfather, Edward Stover (Thomson, Georgia); brother, Brian Berhosky and his wife, Linda Range,… Read more »
Enjoy candied salmon cold or hot smoked
By Paul Suplee, MBA, CEC, PC-3 You know that I love smoking fish. I love eating smoked fish, and I especially love opening the smoker at that magical moment, knowing that the deed is done. There is something absolutely stunning about a properly smoked chunk of fish. When I was a wee lad of only… Read more »
Anniversary celebration set for Oct. 7
(Sept. 1, 2022) Worcester County GOLD (Giving Other Lives Dignity), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, will host its 25th anniversary gala at the Ocean City Fontainebleau Resort on Oct. 7. Honorees include past and present GOLD board members; Community Impact Award recipient Worcester County Bar Association; Volunteer Engagement Award winner the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean… Read more »
Hogan announces new Lower Shore coalition
Network to target higher instances of gang-related crime as well as trafficking (Sept. 1, 2022) Gov. Larry Hogan was joined by federal, state and local law enforcement leaders on Aug. 18 at the Maryland State Police Berlin Barrack, to announce a new Lower Shore coalition of the Maryland Criminal Intelligence Network (MCIN), a coordinated criminal… Read more »
OP Association hears from legal reps and auditing firm
(Sept. 1, 2022) The 2022 annual meeting of the Ocean Pines Association included yearly reports from Ocean Pines’ legal representation and auditing firm. On the legal front, Jeremy Tucker of Lerch, Early & Brewer said his firm has worked with the association since 2016. In looking at the association’s recent accomplishments, Tucker said, “From my… Read more »
Pine Tones Chorus set to start weekly rehearsals Sept. 8
(Sept. 1, 2022) The Pine Tones Chorus will begin its weekly rehearsals at the Ocean Pines Community Center on Thursday, Sept. 8 at 1 p.m. The chorus welcomes potential new members to come and join the singing any Thursday in September starting on the 8th. Both ladies and gentlemen of all parts, soprano, alto, tenor… Read more »
OP Board OKs purchase of three police vehicles
(Sept. 1, 2022) The Ocean Pines Board of Directors recently voted unanimously to buy three new vehicles for $158,000 that will jump-start a “take-home vehicle” program for police in the community. Police Chief Leo Ehrisman said three Chevy Tahoes became available when a police agency in Virginia ordered 50, but was only able to pay… Read more »
OP Chamber to host car show, Sat.
(Sept. 1, 2022) The Ocean Pines Chamber of Commerce will host its eighth annual car show on Saturday, Sept. 3. The car show will be held at Veterans Memorial Park located on the corner of Cathell and Racetrack roads. Several food trucks will be there as well as Radio Ocean City for entertainment. For more… Read more »
Mumford’s Landing Boat Ramp gets major renovation
(Sept. 1, 2022) Improvements to the Mumford’s Landing Boat Ramp are earning good reviews. Public Works Manager Nobie Violante said a new gangway, bumpers and boards were put into the structure about a month ago. “We put new walkways from the top of the fixed dock to the floating dock. They used to be wood,… Read more »
Jolley gets four consecutive life sentences plus 75 years
(Sept. 1, 2022) Cody Jolley, 32, of Snow Hill, was sentenced on Aug. 25 to four consecutive life sentences plus 75 years in the Division of Corrections for his conviction on the charges of four counts of rape in the second degree, two counts of sexual abuse of a minor, sexual solicitation of a minor,… Read more »