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Dry-aged rib eyes prepared Anton-style

2 cuisine

By Paul Suplee, MBA, CEC, PC-3 Reprint from July 31, 2014 It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, or mayhap it was simply the season of… Read more »

Do the right thing and turn yourself in

No one can truly feel the depth of the sorrow of the Knupp family, whose 14-year-old son, Gavin, was struck and killed by a hit-and-run driver on Grays Corner Road three weeks ago. Although the outpouring of sympathy from friends, neighbors and acquaintances in Ocean Pines, Berlin and Ocean City has been extraordinary in its… Read more »

Wheatley brings infrastructure expertise to table

Josette Wheatley

By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (July 28, 2022) It takes quite a bit of infrastructure to keep Ocean Pines running. Roads, waterways, emergency services, stormwater management, erosion control and more all need constant attention from the Ocean Pines Board of Directors. Josette Wheatley, who is running for the board, says these areas are right up… Read more »

Lakernick sees value in Pines people

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By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (July 28, 2022) Could the doctor be in come mid-August? Stuart Lakernick is one of the six hopefuls running for the Ocean Pines Board of Directors. A chiropractor with three degrees, Lakernick is married to former director Esther Diller, with whom he has two adult children. Looking at the Pines,… Read more »

Rakowski sees big-family experience as boon for candidacy

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By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (July 28, 2022) Monica Rakowski’s upbringing could give her a leg up on the board of directors if she’s elected next month. One of seven children, the Baltimore County native said that life instilled in her an ability to both compromise and listen. “Again, growing up in a house with… Read more »

Paula Gray


Bayside Gazette is respecting Ocean Pines Board of Directors candidate Paul Gray’s wishes that the interview she conducted with our reporter be neither printed nor published online.

OP Committee left cleaning up mess after fishing event

•teach kids

By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (July 28, 2022) The Ocean Pines Environmental Assets Committee is sounding the siren to get buffers around community ponds like the South Gate Pond as soon as possible following a fishing event a couple of weekends ago that they claim irreparably harmed local wildlife. The Ocean Pines Anglers Club’s Art… Read more »

As community celebrates life of Gavin, investigation continues

OCSC Gavin Knupp Paddle Out 4

By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (July 28, 2022) Worcester County’s coastal community showed up big on Saturday for an Ocean Pines family whose lives were upended by the death of their 14-year-old son and brother in a hit-and-run on July 11. Around 250 surfers participated in a “paddle out” organized by the Ocean City Surf… Read more »

Berlin agrees to floodplain restoration

•crop possible cover

By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (July 28, 2022) The Berlin Mayor and Town Council struck an agreement on Monday with the Nature Conservancy to improve water flow on the Pocomoke River by breaching manmade levees. “We started the project back in 2013 with state and federal agencies,” said Mike Dryden, a wetland restoration specialist who… Read more »