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Farr responds to questions posed during second forum

•rick farr headshot

By Greg Ellison (July 22, 2021) Unable to attend the second Ocean Pines Board election forum last Tuesday, Rick Farr responded this week to a number of question posed to other candidates that evening. In terms of board conflicts and personality clashes, Farr said while disagreements are inevitable, infighting is counterproductive and is a disservice… Read more »

OP board stays out of election matters


Choice of words leads to hint of election committee unfairness in directors race By Greg Ellison (July 22, 2021) What was intended to be a closed session meeting Sunday afternoon to discuss whether to respond to accusations of political bias by the Ocean Pines Elections Committee instead turned into a 45-minute open session, with the… Read more »

OP resident flees hit-and-run scene

13 Luke-Sichau

Two-vehicle collision costs elderly woman her life after being ejected onto roadway (July 15, 2021) Ocean Pines resident Luke Sichau, 25, was arrested for leaving the scene of a fatal crash Friday afternoon on Route 1 near Odessa, Delaware, where a 92-year-old woman was killed after being ejected from the vehicle. Delaware State Police said… Read more »

Bylaws delves into ARC guidelines

Ocean Pines

By Greg Ellison (July 15, 2021) The extent of the Board of Directors authority over the Ocean Pines Architectural Review Committee is not as clear as it should be, the Bylaws & Resolutions Committee concluded during virtual meeting last Friday. Committee Chairman Jim Trummel said a bylaws work group found instances of conflicting authorities between… Read more »

Berlin Historic District vets several projects

•berlin hist dist

By Greg Ellison (July 15, 2021) Berlin’s Historic District Commission approved requests for replacement windows, new signs and demolition plans for a trio of properties during its meeting last Wednesday. Demolition Historic District Commission members voted unanimously in favor of demolition plans for a home at 19 Gay Street proposed by Jonathan Selway, managing member… Read more »

Townhomes downsizing gets BZA OK

•berlin brd appeals

Special exception granted for flood zone workaround By Greg Ellison (July 15, 2021) Berlin’s Board of Zoning Appeals approved both a conditional use and special exemption request for a proposed 33-townhome community on Maple Avenue during its meeting last Wednesday. Maple Avenue of Berlin LLC and UTR Ventures LLC are looking to develop three parcels… Read more »

Berlin Parks mulls pending projects funding

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By Greg Ellison (July 15, 2021) The Berlin Parks Commission vetted high-dollar projects for a pending grant application and future funding consideration through Program Open Space during its meeting last Tuesday. Deputy Town Administrator Mary Bohlen said grant applications for FY23 Department of Natural Resources’ Program Open Space funding are due by Aug. 26, with… Read more »

Cucumber tuna salad with pickled ginger

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By Paul Suplee, MBA, CEC, PC-3 ‘Tis the season to be jolly. No, not Christmas, Silly. I’m talking about summertime: the season of garden-fresh vegetables, freshly caught fish and the smell of salt air slapping us in our grimy faces, sweat dripping down off our brows as we fight through the humid weather, our foreheads… Read more »

Gazette Editorial

Good times roll again in downtown Berlin Like the Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney films of the late 1930s and ’40s and their inevitable line, “Hey, gang, let’s put on a show,” the Town of Berlin is at its best when it  takes to the streets to present entertainment. Whether that would be in the… Read more »