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Letter To The Editor: Police need tools  to do their jobs

Police need tools  to do their jobs Editor, An ill-conceived bill making its way through the Maryland General Assembly will further restrict law enforcement officials throughout the state from doing their jobs in order to advance progressive objectives aimed at condemning police officers as a societal threat. Senate Bill 292 sponsored by Senator Charles Sydnor… Read more »

02/06/2025 Bayside Editorial: Schools, or sheriff? They’re both right

In the absence of data on the illegal immigrant population, if any, in Worcester County, the public might wonder whether public school Superintendent Lou Taylor or county Sheriff Matt Crisafulli was right to assure parents of their children’s safety considering the federal government’s aggressive deportation program. On one hand, Taylor reassured parents that protocols are… Read more »

Letter To The Editor: Homestead cap projects residents

Homestead cap projects residents Editor, Your article “Local Property Assessments Jump” in the January 10 edition left out a very important piece of information. The statewide Homestead Tax exemption credit allows both counties and cities to adopt a lower ceiling for the exemption than the state standard of 10%. The exemption applies only if the… Read more »