A preliminary budget that’s higher on the expense side than the income side has become something of an annual ritual for Worcester County government, just as the reaction by the public has usually involved some handwringing. Looking at the history of the county budget process, however, this theoretical financial conundrum appears to be worse than… Read more »
Gazette Cartoon
Gazette Editorial
Don’t let fear of critics stop you from running It’s always much easier to find fault than to find a solution. That, as any office-holder has come to learn, is an unpleasant fact, because tearing something down without suggesting how to construct a new and improved replacement is the nature of political discourse. People want… Read more »
Letter to the Editor
Why referendum vote will be a no Editor, While observing numerous debates sparked by the proposed revisions to the OPA Bylaws I thought of that epic western movie: “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.” I felt the proposed changes had all three of these flavors. Bylaws are an important legal document that… Read more »
Gazette Cartoon
Pines financials solid
Enough can’t be said about the financial turnaround of the Ocean Pines Association’s finances. Obviously, the association’s money management practices have brought about changes that few people could have imagined not that many years ago. That was back when the OPA wasn’t just in a hole, it was excavating its way to insolvency — or… Read more »
Gazette staff changes
This is the last week for Ocean Pines/Berlin reporter Greg Ellison, who is about to head back from whence he came to us in 2016 — Colorado. A Maryland native who found a home out west while earning his master’s degree at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Greg has accepted a news position out… Read more »
Gazette Cartoon
Fleetwood steps down from a job well done
Most people would agree that the resignation of Berlin Town Administrator Jeff Fleetwood had to happen at some point, but that it would not be viewed with a sense of relief regardless of the timing. Quite the contrary, one would suspect that the community at-large and the town employees who worked with him are sorry… Read more »
Letter to the Editor
Supports sports complex Editor, I noticed in the last edition, that the “do nothings” in Ocean Pines are now going countywide to object to the Sports Complex. These are the same folks who were against building our new Yacht Club, Country Club, replacing bulkheads, Pickleball courts etc. In other words, they want to do nothing… Read more »