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Commendations to staff, admin in saving a life

Cool heads in a moment of crisis prevailed at the Ocean Pines Yacht Club Sunday, as bartender Rob Ruszin and manager Judie Scotti saved the life of a heart attack victim by deploying a defibrillator and administering CPR. To hear them tell it, they weren’t that calm when they discovered a customer on the floor… Read more »

Compromise produces Showell Elementary

The smiles, handshakes and congratulatory comments at the ribbon cutting for the new Showell Elementary School on Monday belie a tumultuous beginning roughly seven years ago when the project was tested routinely on a pass-fail basis and endured several time-outs. When the talks between the Worcester County Board of Education and the Worcester County Commissioners… Read more »

Pines board election ballot count on Wed.

There’s nothing quite like a hotly contested election to juice up the level of local interest, especially when no one knows whether the final ballot count is truly an election or just a legal exercise to be used as the basis for a court decision. As this is being written several hours before ballot counting… Read more »

Seek better means to honor Rev. Tindley

As easy as it might be to conclude that Berlin’s Historic District Commission dislikes the idea of having a Rev. Dr. Charles Albert Tindley mural in particular painted on a downtown building, that would be the wrong conclusion. Remember, this is the same body that warred with then-Mayor Gee Williams years ago over whether the… Read more »

Pines election contest goes into extra innings

People who like post-season playoffs because they are more intense than routine games should follow the OPA Board of Directors post-election competition if heightened gamesmanship is their thing. At stake  is control of a board that seems to have little these days, as members try to plunk each other with high, hard and inside pitches…. Read more »