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Letter to the Editor

Case for abolishing voter ID laws Editor, This letter is in response to Dennis Evans’ letter “Advocating for voter ID law in Maryland.” I do agree with Mr. Evans that without “fair and free voting…we lose our republic.” That is exactly why I vehemently oppose voter suppression laws being legislated in Republican controlled states, including… Read more »

Must be better way  to budget for schools

What is the point, one might ask, of the Worcester County Teachers Association negotiating teachers’ salaries with the board of education if the board of education has no power to guarantee the deal? Although the board is trying to honor the terms of the agreement it struck with the association as part of its budget… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Advocating for voter ID law in Maryland Editor, Fair and free voting is the most important activity the citizens of a free society can engage in. Without this, we lose our republic. Everything that the government does can be changed or supported by means of citizens voting the associated law-maker in or out of power…. Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Budget endangers kids’ education Editor, The state’s top public schools are those in Worcester County. Is it reasonable to put this rating in danger? We won’t advance and may perhaps go backward with the level of funds that the commissioners approved. The County Commissioners’ recent decision to simply provide funding for schools at maintenance-of-effort levels… Read more »

Lack of transparency? Politics had role too

A cynical observer might say the Worcester County Commissioners’ vote Tuesday to deny Worcester County Public Schools the additional funding the school board sought for the year ahead had less to do with transparency than it did with politics and the desire to establish more control over the school system. It’s hardly coincidental that public… Read more »

Going public awkward but often gets results

Berlin Fire Company President Dave Fitzgerald echoed what many others have said before when he lamented having to explain the company’s financial needs in public during a budget discussion with the town’s mayor and council last week. He told town officials the way such matters used to be handled — informally, behind closed doors with… Read more »