By Greg Wehner, Staff Writer (June 16, 2022) The Worcester County Commissioners approved an amendment to the zoning code on June 7 that will restrict the placement of antennas to no less than 500 feet from a residential dwelling in agricultural districts, providing the Board of Zoning Appeals concurs. The previous wording of the code… Read more »
County offers to buy back EDUs for airport parcel
By Greg Wehner, Staff Writer (June 16, 2022) Ocean City last week was given the county government’s permission to sell 12 equivalent dwelling units (EDUs) of sewer and water capacity that came with a property the resort purchased near the airport, even though the approval goes against county government protocol. Worcester County Chief Administrative Officer… Read more »
State issues $15M for Rt. 90 improvements
Money will pay to complete planning for safety, access upgrades, lane dualization By Mallory Panuska, Staff Writer The light at the end of the tunnel of bumper-to-bumper traffic on Route 90 got brighter this week when state officials announced that a large chunk of cash is allocated for improvements to the major resort corridor. Gov…. Read more »
Mural in honor of Rev. Tindley to be unveiled Saturday
By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer After months in the making, the painting of celebrated minister gospel composer Rev. Charles Tindley on the side of Bruder Hill in downtown Berlin is officially underway. Muralist Jay Coleman started the freestyle mural on Monday, just five days before it is scheduled to be unveiled on Saturday. “We’re just… Read more »
Berlin mural for pollinators, bees underway on Main Street
By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer Berlin’s celebration of National Pollinator Week is right around the corner and this year, the town is completing a project that will raise awareness and educate children about the importance of bees, year-round. Late last month, Artist Jessica Hall, owner of Happy Now Creations, began working on “Pollinator Way,” an… Read more »
Bylaws Committee continues review of OP resolutions
By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer The Ocean Pines Bylaws and Resolutions Advisory Committee continued sifting through its backlog of resolutions to recommend for review during its June 10 meeting. Committee Chairman Jim Trummel said on Monday that the committee continued and finished the work they were doing in May in identifying what resolutions needed work…. Read more »
OPA directors yank privileges from Janasek
Board’s 5-2 vote invokes suspension for 90 days By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer Tom Janasek’s privileges have been suspended. The Ocean Pines Board of Directors held a special meeting on June 9 to allow residents and board members to speak on whether the former director should be barred from Ocean Pines amenities and made that… Read more »
OP Racquet Sports looks at revenue and studies trends
‘Maximizing’ money stream tops committee’s wish list By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer The Ocean Pines Racquet Sports Committee met on June 9 and discussed ways to better record and maximize the revenue streaming into its amenities. “Membership numbers are doing really well,” said board liaison Amy Peck. “The committee discussed (attendance) numbers. When people check… Read more »
Annual Bathtub Races dazzle crowds, TV cameras
Prized Rubber Duck Trophy goes to Ocean 98’s top tub as duo finishes undefeated By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (June 16, 2022) The 32nd annual and first-televised Berlin Bathtub Races did not disappoint on Friday. As usual, hundreds of spectators filled the Main Street corridor between Commerce Street and Stevenson Lane as a dozen-plus teams… Read more »
Route 90 access, kayak racks focus of rec committee
Residents asked to attend, comment at SHA hearing By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer (June 16, 2022) The Ocean Pines Recreation and Parks Committee is asking its members and Ocean Pines residents to provide input at the upcoming public hearing being held by MDOT-SHA on June 21, which will focus on the Route 90 bridge. “(Our)… Read more »