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Letter to the Editor

Supports Lakernick joining committee Editor, After reading the Opinion titled “Board majority silent, but its dislike is clear” I wanted to share my perspective on the subject. As a former member of the OPA board and the association’s secretary, I understand how important it is to have a clear knowledge of the OPA governing documents…. Read more »

Pines Election Committee preps for pending board contest

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By Greg Ellison (April 7, 2022) In addition to testing new equipment and reviewing the ballot design, the Ocean Pines Election Committee last week produced candidate forum questions for this summer’s board of directors election. Three seats are open this year. They are now held by Director Larry Perrone, who was elected to a first… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Banning books thwarts students Editor, In response to the article, “Worcester Schools Work on Solutions for Book Concerns,” Bayside Gazette March 31, the same citizens, it should be noted, complain at Board of Ed meetings each month without remaining to witness the process and discussion of solutions. As covered in the article, Jennifer Sills, Coordinator… Read more »

OP Strategic Planning interprets survey data

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By Greg Ellison (April 7, 2022) Countering misguided perceptions about community association operations was the focus of an Ocean Pines Board of Directors work session last week with the Strategic Planning Committee. Committee Chair Bernie McGorry opened the meeting last Tuesday at the Golf Clubhouse with the intention of defining the association’s overall approach to… Read more »

Board majority silent, but its dislike is clear

Talk about transparency in government, the Ocean Pines Board of Directors was see-through last Wednesday when the majority’s animosity toward former board candidate Stewart Lakernick resulted in the abrupt rejection of his second bid to serve on a community committee. Lakernick had sought a seat on the Search Committee this time, having been denied a… Read more »

Town Council reschedules tax hearing

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Department heads say they have cut budget to bare bones By Greg Ellison (March 31, 2022) With expenditure requests outpacing projected revenues in its FY23 draft budget, the Berlin Town Council voted on Monday to delay a scheduled public hearing for real property tax rates until April 11. During a first reading for the proposed… Read more »

Pines directors finalize referendum issues

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By Greg Ellison (March 31, 2022) Final language changes to several bylaws sections proposed for revision were approved by the Ocean Pines Board of Directors during its meeting last Wednesday. The last-minute revisions are part of a lengthy list of bylaws updates intended for a referendum vote by membership this spring. The issues covered last… Read more »

Burton family dog dies during fire

Berlin Fire Company

(March 31, 2022) Multiple fire units responded Saturday for a house fire at 10016 Carey Road in Berlin that took the life of a beloved canine. The fire also claimed the home and personal possessions of residents Julie and Jeffrey Burton, who operate Surfside Rooster in West Ocean City. The Berlin Volunteer Fire Company was… Read more »

Fried green tomatoes, eggs and hollandaise 

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By Paul Suplee, MBA, CEC, PC-3 A bead of sweat rolls down my right temple. It is too damn early for this. The sun is still an hour from cracking the horizon, and I am tired, exhausted, but brunch must be served and it is an hour’s drive away. I still have to pack the… Read more »