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Counting all ballots smart thing to do

The Ocean Pines Board of Directors has a choice, as ballot counting begins. It can direct election officials to record every vote cast, or order it to restrict the count to candidates the board has recognized as legitimate and wait to see if the Worcester County Circuit Court agrees. That’s about the sum of Judge… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Law enforcement not enemy of state Law enforcement is not the enemy of the people. Yet more and more the service and sacrifice of law enforcement professionals is being undermined by a small but increasingly vocal contingent bent on devaluing their importance to our communities.   It’s difficult enough for police officers to stay safe… Read more »

Play it safe as new school year begins

Although the covid-19 pandemic feels like it’s over to many area residents, as shops, restaurants, offices and other indoor venues seem to be overwhelmingly populated by maskless individuals, this scourge isn’t finished with us yet — not by a long shot. As much as we want it to be done and gone, the coronavirus continues… Read more »

Well-deserved award for community service

If there’s one thing that Ocean Pines has done and continues to do right — not to suggest that it doesn’t stand out in many other regards, aside from its frequent political controversies — it’s the Worcester County Veteran’s Memorial. The memorial is one of this country’s finest examples of a volunteer enterprise built from… Read more »

Resort’s court loss a win for everyone else

The question mainland residents might be asking themselves this week following the Town of Ocean City’s loss of its tax differential court case against Worcester County is, “So what?” Whether taxpayers know it or not, the Maryland Court of Appeals’ rejection of resort government’s attempt to overturn two lower court decisions that went against it… Read more »