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New campaign will forgive Pocomoke back-tax penalties

(March 30, 2017) Pocomoke City, which just launched a campaign to collect hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid personal and business property taxes, is offering those who owe an opportunity to square up, minus penalties and interest. City Manager/City Attorney Ernie Crofoot shared some background on the fiscal concern. “Several years ago, the county… Read more »

Wor. Co. schools respond to child missed on bus

(March 30, 2017) Following an incident in early March, when a 4-year-old was left on a school bus that was dropping students off at Pocomoke Elementary, the Worcester County Public School System is taking steps to prevent a similar occurrence in the future. Carrie Sterrs, public relations coordinator for Worcester County Schools, said video footage… Read more »

OP Board approves renovation plans for golf, admin buildings

(March 30, 2017) The Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors on Saturday approved floor plans for renovations at the country club, adding new meeting spaces and room for golf banquets on the second floor. The board budgeted $417,000 for the project, which will be handled by public works. In a parallel move, the directors voted… Read more »

Pines assessments sent out, but not with questionnaire

(March 30, 2017) Plans to mail a comprehensive planning survey with the Ocean Pines Association annual assessments have apparently fizzled out, as assessments were sent earlier this month without the questionnaire. The association’s comprehensive planning committee had been working on that survey for the better part of the year, with feedback from the board of… Read more »

Pocomoke mourns Howser passing

(March 30, 2017) Pocomoke City lost an active and popular member of its community last Saturday when Jacob Howser, 24, died in a motor vehicle crash. The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office said the incident occurred at approximately 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, as Howser was heading east on Scotty Road near Nassawongo Road. Investigators, who have… Read more »

Snow Hill and Pocomoke seek stake in slot revenue

 (March 30, 2017) Snow Hill Mayor Charlie Dorman and Pocomoke City Mayor Bruce Morrison have joined forces in pursuit of slot revenues for their respective towns. In a January 31 letter to Maryland State Senator Jim Mathias (D-38) Dorman and Morrison asked for an adjustment to the distribution equation for revenue generated at the Casino… Read more »

OPA Briefs

(March 30, 2017) The Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors discussed the following items during a regular meeting on Saturday. Absences Board President Tom Herrick noted that two directors were absent. Interim General Manager and Director Brett Hill was out because of the birth of his son, Andrew William, on Friday. Aquatics Director Colby Phillips… Read more »

Berlin Briefs

(March 30, 2017) The Berlin Mayor and Council discussed the following items during a meeting at Town Hall on Monday. CDBG appeal Mayor Gee Williams said the town drafted a letter to state officials stating the importance of the Community Development Block Grant program. A function of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development,… Read more »

Contest to create logo for 50th anniversary

(March 30, 2017) The 50th Anniversary Committee in Ocean Pines is asking residents to help design a new logo to commemorate the occasion. During a committee meeting on Monday, members discussed the logo contest with Marketing Director Denise Sawyer. The winning logo will be used on merchandise to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the association… Read more »

Lunchtime concert series coming

(March 30, 2017) This May in Berlin will mark the debut of the “3rd Thursday” lunchtime concert series, a new grouping of musical performances designed to draw shoppers to the downtown area. Berlin Economic and Community Development Director Ivy Wells said the monthly event would be held in the grassy area near the Go Organic… Read more »